Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Bethany Meter

1.Continued agreement in prayer for reconciliation of our relationship with our son, Joseph Meter. We pray for whatever it takes for him & his wife to come to Jesus. Until January 12th, with only a short break in early December, Joseph is separated from his wife, Angie, for his medical training. Normally, I would say that such a lengthy separation is not good, however, we are believing that this will a time for God to speak to him without any other voices trying to control him. I will keep standing until the manifestation. I'm not giving up on my son.

Matthew 18:19, Luke 18:4-8, 1 Samual 30:18, Malachi 4:6

2. Angela Lee (Dorey) Meter - Salvation, healing & deliverance

3. Angela Joy Meter - to stop drinking and depart from non-Christian friends.

4. Praise report from Cuba trip to come.

Received: November 21, 2019