Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


I am a young 24 year old, believer in christ. I have been struggling with my health. I have been battling Hiv for almost a year now. the medicine that was given to me had been working fine for 10 months but recently the meds have been affecting my heart and blood pressure. I have gone to the emergency room 3 times and to other doctors multiple times to figure it out. Im believing that the Lord Jesus will heal me one of these days. I have been wanting to go to one of the healing services that Pastor benny has but he is never in my state or home town. I desperately want to attend his service for healing. please pray that I will be able to attend his service for deliverance. that I can either come up with the funds to fly and see him or that he will be in my home town of detroit. pray for my strength in the Lord and that I find a wonderful church home.

Received: November 21, 2019