Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

cindy soriano

Hi good evening I just want to share this prayers for my MOM OLIVIA SORIANO as of the moment she was diagnosed by the Dr, for endometrial mass stage 1 cancer. I REBUKE IN JESUS NAME but still wer in doubt coz we were surprised about it? and now we got the biopsy from the hospital it says here I REBUKE IN JESUS NAME endometriod adenocarcinoma GIGO GRADE 1 WELL DIFFERENTAITED.. IM HERE TO ASK HELP FROM YOU TO REALLY REALLY PRAY FOR MY MOM WE STILL NEEDS HER ESPECIALLY MY 5 YEARS OLD SON WHO IS VERY MUCH CLOSE TO HER. im a single mom and working well so I can support my son and my mom needs. as of the moment my mom is ok physically still observing if he still have the so called spotting but she told me its no more.. We seek help from you to really really pray for my mom's fast healing.. amen amen

Received: August 20, 2019