Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Pray for family salvation. Need help with my life lately. Just feel so lost don’t know what to do about job, family, I need help from God. I go to a church and not that it’s not a good church but maybe we should be elsewhere need prayer about that. Pray for protection over family friends Bentley and al. Pray for my grandson that God works a situation out in his life that the parents would start going to church find God maybe watch what he watches or listening to Prayfor my nieces and nephews. That we are all warriors for God cancel any assignment from Satan over all. Travel mercy for family and us claiming psalm 91. Really need God to tell me what to do about work. I want a job I love, for god and using my talents like to sing pray protection over marriages and family’s. Unity. No strife or division. That my step children really start to like me and accept me and visa versa that god removes anyone or anything in our lives not of him.Claiming psalms 91 over us all

Received: April 22, 2019