Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Heavenly Father, I ask you in Jesus mighty name, ( Me and Andrea ) are stepping into marriage in coming September I ask you Lord to pour deep harmony in our relationship daily like you did since we started together, teach both of us to speak the love languages of each other, make me express to her the love in the way she is waiting from me, and make her express to me the love in the way i am waiting for her, You are the guarantor of everything in our lives, remove any kind of fear from her heart, and make trust in you boldly, i break any spiritual distortion against her spiritual receiving, I am waiting miraculous things from your hand in the coming 5 months, Specially this current biblical month Month of Nissan " Aviv " May all the blessings you promised your people about this month come upon us and come upon my relationship with Andrea and our coming marriage, heal any old thing from her heart and prepare her for our coming marriage , give me intensive grace in her eyes, Amen, Isaac

Received: April 11, 2019