Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


In my desperate hour, I ask mercy on my mother Vers Frazier 89 but strong. Please pray for her healing of kidney dialysis, She has over come pneumonia this Dec. Defying her death sentence & amazed the doctors. The Glory went to God. Now the Rehab Doctor is saying now she may need Dialysis in the long term. He want to kill her.

I believe in the healing power of Jesus. I pray her lungs won't fill when she is not getting dialysis. I am praying her kidneys will survive a couple of years or Gods chosen time.

I also have a prayer for My Mother Vera to finish working off the trachea. She has been improving & I pray for total healing of her respiratory, she can be free of her trachea. She is with Life still & feels happy & feels she is improving & is believing & trying hard. She needs to feel & get stronger. to gain back what she had before. She is in good heart trying building strength. She was very active before pneumonia. I stand in faith for all these things for my Mother Vera.

My Mother is a ministers daughter from a line of family ministers & gospel singers & teachers She taught Sunday school & sang for Christian events be life or death. She has one prayer to make it back home & to live to see her son free of his probation & drinking life & be here to part at Gods chosen time. Her Son is on Path & near the end of this probation. She has claimed in her heart a couple days ago that God spoke to her saying Vera you are going to improve , you need three weeks, You will improve & make it back home. She was uplifted. It seems all want to kill her off. This has been said two years ago when she fell ill and recovered in a month. Kill her, Kill Her. I will not murder my Mother who has spoken to live, who believes God has told her she needs 3 weeks for the improvements wto show. She will work her way home. Please pray she wont be moved far away, she will recover where she is at. In Jesus name. TY God.

I ask for prayer to amaze the doctoors & the Glory go to God

Received: March 7, 2019