Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

Complete the prayer request form below to share your needs on the Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall for others to view and intercede on your behalf. You may choose to post your name, share your prayer anonymously, or select the option to keep your prayer requests private.



Please pray for my relationship between me and Confidence Ntokozo that the evil spirits fighting it may never succeed.

Please pray for us to settle down in marriage.

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Pray for my healing, finances and career.

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Prayer for Catherine's husband. Jesus should touch and heal him physically and spiritually. Thank you.

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

captain obvious.

Dear idiots who post on this asking for a quick and easy soloution to your problems via Prayer. Your problems can can be fixed without God.

* If youre worried about no money or debt. Stop buying stupid shit with credit cards and get a job.

* If you're concern that your job is shit , don't prayer for a new one. Goto school and study or at least investigate the career path. praying wont get you anywhere.

* If you want a hot partner. try being a nice person and look after yourself. Shitting in the street or sending dick pictures, or pictures of your gross pussy isnt the way.

* If you're worried about your health then maybe you shouldnt have stuffed pizza in your mouth everynight and snort blow up your nose. This is likley Your own fault! Not Gods.

*Anxiety? Exercise.

*Fat? Exercise. Diet control.

*Unhappy with a situation? Leave. No further contact.

Its all pretty simple stuff you retards. Dont give money to idiots like this Benny cocksucker or pray to a fictional Diety who dosnt give a shit about you.

You still praying? then please dont breed. Amen.

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Dear Lord, I come humbly to you once again. I pray for peace, joy and health for this Christmas and the New Year ahead. Come Lord Jesus, bring the peace of your presence over my family and my parents. Please let the years ahead be filled with much peace & joy for my family. You know Lord, the trouble, anxiety and worry we have been through this year. Help us to let go all bitternes, anger, resentment, doubts and move in peace, forgiveness and love for the years ahead. Bless us Lord, with the Holy Spirit, and send your guardian angels to protect us from Satan's attacks. Bless me with true and loyal friendships and nourish the few one's I already have. In Jesus Name I pray.

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.

Dork apotimus.

YO jeebs. Me mate simon is a horney prick. after he smokes a few loaded darts hes horny as fuck, we sprinkled his balls with some holy water and that only made things worse. we took him to the vet to even get him knackered but they wont do humans. He jerks off at work at least 4 times a day that i see, looks at porn on his phone when he gets a break, and never leaves the house after 4pm cos hes rooting his elderly neighbour. Basically god im praying that his libido relaxes so he can get a break in life and that his neighbour Mirtel gets a new hip paid for on medicare. Hes grinding the old chooks hips to dust. I PRAY FOR YOU SIMON. HEAR ME GOD...or satan.

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Kevin Fleury

Please ask Jesus to heal me from my anxiety disorder (low serotonin levels) and also to heal me from a bad pituitary gland, which causes migraine headaches and insomnia.

Please pray that Jesus will speak to me in dreams and visions.

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Hello Prayer Warriors,

Please pray that God will bring me out of debt today. Put me on Dan's heart to hire me today at the trucking company. I had the interview last month.

Cause Kelvin to repay me the thousands of dollars that he owes me today and that he will have conviction.

Cause the person at my bank to remove the interest charge from my account. I need a breakthrough.

I sowed a $500 seed in a good ground ministry last week. I am a dedicated tither and giver.

Thank you.

Received: December 15, 2019

Silviu Haidaciuc

1 Corinthians 12 31But it is good if you really want the more important gifts Now I will show you a way that is better than any other way

I want Heavenly Father to speak to me from the Bible

I want cherubs manifest things for me

I want the heavenly father to let angels up and down in heavenly places and earthly places to help me

I want to receive Gifts from God to enjoy them

Luke 11 Jesus teaches those that always followed him how to pray

9 So I tell you this Continue to ask for what you need And you will receive it Continue to look for what you need And then you will find it Continue to knock at the door and God will open it for you

10 After all everyone that asks for something will receive it Everyone that looks for something will find it God will open the door for everyone that knocks on it

11 Some of you are fathers You would not give your son a snake if he asks for fish

12 If your son asks you for an egg you would not give him an insect to hurt him

13 You are bad But you know how to give good things to your children And your Father above knows much better than you do how to give good things So he will send the Holy Spirit to those people that ask him

Received: December 15, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Father in heaven, Your word says if two of us agree as touching anything on Earth, you will surely do,. Your word says Heaven and earth will pass away, but your words will never pass away. Your word says you will never leave me nor forsake me... Father in heaven, we have agreed for the Miraculous restoration of the relationship between Mary and Bill, for the restoration of the Blessings of God, and for the Protection for Mary, Bill, and Scarlett... Father in heaven.. I am hurting, Scarlett is hurting...We cannot feel your presence... PLEASE HONOR YOUR WORDS.. URGENTLY..Faith is growing weak, and sadness darkens all hope...Your LOVE AND YOUR MIRACLE NOW are urgently needed by your Children.. RECONCILE THE RELATIONSHIP, AND GLORIFY YOURSELF IN JESUS NAME

Received: December 14, 2019