Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall


I need the of the holy Spirit in my life and total purity and freedom from watching pornography, masturbating because I desire sex, lust after women and ladies unnecessarily, undecisiveness, inability to pursue a goal and stick to it from beginning to the end, inability to withstand challenges and obstacles. I want to further my education- do my pgd, masters, PhD and theology. I want to be the greatest pastor that ever lived. I want God to bless me and my siblings with better jobs and great life partners. I want my mother's school God's Glory Nursery and primary School to be great. I want the school to become an international School with a wonderful learning environment, facilities, administration, and students. I want God to make me, my siblings and mother great entrepreneurs and employers of labour all over the world. I pray God should use my family to bless lives all over the world. Where we have been rejected let us be accepted in the name of Jesus. Let everything begin to work for the good of me and my family. God should allow my sister in law Oluchi to give birth safely in Jesus name amen. God should raise helpers for my family that elevate us to God's predestined plan for our lives in Jesus name amen. God should bless Nigeria an make it a safe and well developed country with wise leaders in Jesus name amen. God should guide me and family partway to our destinations in Jesus name amen. God should please heal my ears so that the noise it is making will stop and will hear clearly, He should also heal my waist and genitals, kidney and every part of my body that is sick in Jesus name amen. He should equally he brother Dele by elder brother from mental disorder. He should equally heal my family in all our challenges and struggles, emotions and health in Jesus name amen.

Received: December 18, 2019