Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

Complete the prayer request form below to share your needs on the Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall for others to view and intercede on your behalf. You may choose to post your name, share your prayer anonymously, or select the option to keep your prayer requests private.

William king

I ask for prayer that God fights any witchcraft company fighting and transmitting curses into my life to stop me from achieving the purpose of God for my life. Let God cast such company of people into tribulations according to His Word and resolve all issues regarding this situation and bring restoration into my life through the Blood of Christ Jesus in Christ name

Received: January 26, 2020

George Bruno

I need protection on my job and promotion to Manager and also I need prayer for power of Holy spirit to help to build a ministry and send people men and women

For my Ministry Miracle Moment of faith to be anointing by holy Spirit God to guide me how build the Ministry in Jesus name to move as apostle prophet, and Evangelist in five fold ministry

Bishop Bruno

Received: January 26, 2020

George Bruno

For my Ministry Miracle Moment of faith to be anointing by holy Spirit God to guide me how build the Ministry in Jesus name to move as apostle prophet, and Evangelist in five fold ministry

Bishop Bruno

Received: January 26, 2020

Razia sultana

I am 5 plus week pregnant having bleeding and slow growth of my baby plz pray for me and my baby. I I'll have a healthy baby everything goes well in my pregnancy amen.

Received: January 26, 2020


People of God please pray for me I am looking for a job I send an application for a job which was advertised end of December 2019 and when I inquire few days ago I was told the shortlisting process is still going on , please stand with me in prays for this job I believe with your prays God will answer the prayers. I have been applying for jobs but only end up just at interviews level. I really need a job to support my family am the bread winner in the family, please help me. I have a disability and I don't want to beg but to work and support my family and I have the qualifications

Thank you.

Received: January 26, 2020

Ashishkumar rasikbhai patel

Praise god.i am believer .my name is Ashishkumar rasikbhai patel. i am from india state gujarat dist navsari.God has given me Pinal as a wife. My marriage is scheduled with Pinal Kumari Kiranbhai Bhagat. God bless our marriage and we will be very happy. We remain in love with one another and pray that our marriage will be completed successfully. May the Lord bless us with the blessings of the couple, and pray to the Lord for making both parties very happy. Pray for Ashish and Pinal's wedding. Thanks .god bless you.

Received: January 26, 2020


Dear Lord, My God. I come with a humble prayer. I am praying for guidance for my life. I am not sure if Im making the right decisions in my life. Please Lord, help me to understand my purpose and if this is the path I'm supposed to go, help me to understand it more and to not be afraid to take the next steps. Be with me Lord, guide me and lead me to the true purpose of my life. I also pray for unity and peace in my family. Come Lord, cast out the darkness and evil attacks that try to destroy my family apart. Shine your light and love on us, and may we always be united. I pray for the Lor's protection over my family. In Jesus Name I pray.

Received: January 26, 2020


Dear Benny Hinn partners, please pray this emergency prayer.

My Two children and I need stable safe housing. I need my car repaired it keeps breaking down I need the garage to take care of this cost. For we just had it in there for a $1,700 repair in a car lasted about a week and it broke down again. Please help them to cover the cost.

We need Victory and the truth and Justice and our court case coming up and I need a new lawyer who actually represent me and the kids and help us!

I pray for hedge of protection and wisdom and insight over the judge. And I also would ask that all of our enemies that God would contend with them!!! And please pray Pastor Benny that I will have an experience in an encounter with the Lord like never before and that I would be fully baptized in the baptism in the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues please help me with prayer to open up to receive and believe because it's been many many many many years and I've never received the fullness. But at this point at least some feelings would be nice. Please pray that I can find a Holy Spirit Led church that God will let me go to because where I live is none really around not too much but I did find one that I'm going in there in need of a pastor please pray for Holy Spirit-filled Pastor or at least a pastor chili led by the Lord for the First Baptist Church where I live. I also want to pray for healing and my children's bodies Minds emotions and spirits me too please. Any inheritance that God has for me from my parents parents parents and second parents and ancestors or whatever inheritance that God speaks about I pray for it all to be sealed with the blood of Jesus only for me nobody else and then God will give me wisdom how to share, invest, use in God's way!

Thank you so much God bless you all Supernatural encounter with the Lord with the in filling of the Holy Spirit

And I want to ask one more thing I'm sorry it's so long that my children would be able to know the Lord for themselves as well all of my children to be filled with the Holy Spirit in Jesus's name I pray amen thank you so much. P.S. Deliverance from turmoil deliverance from adversity deliverance from lies and slander!

Received: January 25, 2020

Shereese Clark

I need money to buy me a house

Received: January 25, 2020

Susan Watson

Please find peace and procreation and blessings on our family take all the evil away and fill use with your great joy peace love affection and love for our family to be more caring loving and understanding towards our family lord jesus Christ amen

Received: January 25, 2020