Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

Complete the prayer request form below to share your needs on the Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall for others to view and intercede on your behalf. You may choose to post your name, share your prayer anonymously, or select the option to keep your prayer requests private.

George Jacob

Dearest Pastor ,please continue to pray for me,my dad,my wife,my son,my younger brother Verghese Jacob who is recovering fast from his ailement and that the Lord may touch and heal him completely and restore him back to normal and perfect health,also pray for his wife and daughter and son and all our loved ones.... please give us good luck joy happiness peace prosperity success satisfaction and every good blessings of this world,also may the lords hand of protection be over all of us and all our loved ones and over everything that belongs to any one of us where ever we may be. Also pray for a change in the government in India and have a secular minded democratic government which works towards the goodness for the citizens here..may thy presence and thy visions change the mindset of all the authorities here in India....and let us the Christian's and other communities not have to worry about anything at all.....Amen.

Received: February 5, 2020


Pray for Shandia Sinclair. She needs deliverance from demonic and mental strongholds, fear and rejection, a mind to submit to God's will, and to be made whole. Believe with me that she will have a supernatural encounter with God this week in a way that changes her forever.

Received: February 5, 2020


Every time I go back to my hometown visit family there I seem to become a different person. Stressed out. Resisting any chaos or stress. Stopping any words spoken over my from family. Their perception of me is not what God says about me. I am a child of the most high God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper I resist the enemy and his plans for me my husband Bentley family. I pray for the Holy Spirit to reign in our homes. Welcoming the Holy Spirit in all things. Help me Jesus protect us and all who read this Our conntry and leaders. Resist strife division and anything else the devik try’s to throw at us in Jesus Name. God is in control. I cast all my cares on him. Plz also pray for my mom and all of us to do the same and to remember to do so. To not try to handle our life on our own. That the Holy Spirit nudges u s when we try to fix things. Only he can fix things. Welcome Jesus

Received: February 5, 2020


Pls pray for a white area above breast-Pls pray that everything is okay & normal. Pls pray for peace & healing.

Received: February 5, 2020

Michelle Powell

God will closed the door to every spirit that don’t line up with the will of god Regarding regarding my family and my and my future kids if God bless me with some. That the gate of hell will not prevail against us and me.

And ppl will stop think it’s ok to mess with me even tho I have a disability and just god will bless me to free from Secret planning against me. The Bible says who so ever calls unpin the name of the lord shall be saved.

Received: February 5, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.

Helen Diane Lopes

Dear Pastor Benny Hinn, This wicked auto driver is still waiting and spying me every single day without fail. I have stopped going for my morning walk since the last one week now. He asks other auto drivers also to keep a watch on me. I am not interfering with anyone, staying quietly in my own home, yet I am being targeted, I don't know why. I am fed up of this.

Please pray for a miracle soon. Jesus has to send this wicked man away and punish him in such a way that he will never harass any other woman ever again.

Helen Diane L.

Mumbai, India

Received: February 5, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Dear Lord Jesus, with a humble heart, I pray for peace and unity over my family. Lord, stand with us and bless us with love, joy and peace. Cast out the darkness, negativity and all that comes from the devil, and purify us. I pray for the Holy SPIRIT to cleanse my family, to protect us and guide us towards God's love. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers. In you I trust and I surrender my life and family into your loving hands. Keep us close Lord, and help us hear your loving voice everyday. In Jesus Name I pray.

Received: February 5, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Elderly Family Traveling Please Pray

Please pray that God blesses our Christian family will healthy protected rest, deliverance, healing, favor, help, protection and provisions each day.

Received: February 4, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Pray 4 entire family and friends to be delivered from occult activity, religion, deception, lies, severing of all ungodly relationships/ allignments. Release of Gods warrior angels, ministering angels, Rhema Truth, revelation, conviction, repentance, salvation, prophetic dreams, visions for entire family members/ family friends. Thx U amen!

Received: February 4, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


My prayer request if for my best friend Kathy. I pray god touch her husband and he will stop cheating and take care of her and the kids. He will stop putting so much burden on her shoulder and provide for her and give her the strength to leave and know God can do great things no matter your pains. Please pray for her.

Received: February 4, 2020