Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Silviu Haidaciuc & Gabriela Rocha

I have the image of knocking️

in my eyes

Matt.7.7Keep on asking and it will be given you;keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking[reverently]and [the door]will be opened to you.

I was asking Heavenly Father

May the Holy Spirit make the house in us in the name of Jesus Christ

.Holy Spirit .

Holy Spirit We are waiting for you to clothe us with power from on high

Holy Spirit We are waiting for you to clothe us with you

Luke.24.49 And behold, I will send forth upon you what My Father has promised;but remain in the city [Jerusalem]

Received: June 21, 2021