Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

Complete the prayer request form below to share your needs on the Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall for others to view and intercede on your behalf. You may choose to post your name, share your prayer anonymously, or select the option to keep your prayer requests private.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I"m suffering from bitterness of the tongue due to extreme migraine medication..Hardly able 2 eat anything..N also please pray I"m getting lice in my hair now n then..I don"t know for what reason..kindly pray for me..

Received: April 8, 2019


Dear Pastor MWIA, from the bottom of my heart i want to thank you all for praying for my needs.

With full of my tears i am asking you all to pray for our daughter Evangeline.

She is 31years old.

We need to find a christian husband.We need your special prayer.I am in pain and sorrow.

I am praying for a long time.

Please pray for our daughter Evangeline.

I trust and believe that nothing is impossible with God.

I agree with you all in prayer.

God bless you all.


Received: April 8, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Pray for my ex in laws to come to Christ and take scales and blinders off their eyes. God to woo and draw them.

They have my husband living with them and influenced him to divorce me.

Thelma who is against me and her husband James Snr.

I release forgiveness to them. I pray that God heal this whole family and that they will turn their hearts towards their grandaughter who they have neglected and ignored her whole life.

They will reach out to me and have their blessing to remarry their son.

Miracles. Nothing is imposssible with God. Restore all the years the locust have stolen out of 20 years apart in marriage.

Received: April 8, 2019


Pray for salvations of relatives. My sister Joy who does not believe in the Bible who has pain in spine and neck.

Her husband Maurice who was run over by a car and has diabetes, also has a tumor down below and bleeding. Has to have an operation.

Send christian laborers across their paths.

Open their eyes and take scales and blinders off to the Glorious gospel of Jesus.

My sister Yasmine and her husband John.

Jonathan and Vanessa

Nevelle and kids.


Received: April 8, 2019


Please pray for my daughter Yolanda to be delivered of hurt, pain, and mental challenges.

Come out of the desires for Lesbian relationships, Wants to be a man. Backslider from the Lord.

God to touch her mind as it has been damaged. Place for her to live.

Nephew Richard and his partner Owen to come out of their marriage relationship. Homosexual.

For christian laborers to come across their paths. For Richard to contact me and not have unforgiveness

in his heart to me for not going to his wedding.

Woo and draw them to the Lord.

Received: April 8, 2019


Pray for marriage restoration. Ex husband James to repent and come back to the Lord.

Touch his heart of stone put a heart of flesh in. Have an encounter with the Lord and make himself real to him.

Seperated 20 years and divorced 4 years. Standing believing that he will love me again and his daughter.

Take the scales and blinders of his eyes and for him to want deliverance.

Received: April 8, 2019


Dear Sir/Madam

I need a number from tax authority to continue my business the authority got a queue and I need the number as soon as possible to do other steps where it has to done before 20.04.2019 and Im so worried and I do not know what to do please kindly pray for me it has to be a miracle from God there is no other way

Thank you


Received: April 8, 2019


Dear Pastor Benny Hinn,

Please continue to pray that the Night Watchman goes away from our building. Yesterday, he came to work in the Night in our building.

I was praying the Divine Mercy chaplet as many times I could even at 2.00 in the morning and today morning no fight happened between our Driver and the watchman. But all sorts of wicked people are there at the gate when he is there in the Night. We don't know what all plotting is going on against us, so we have to still pray that the watchman goes away from our building.

Please pray that no case is filed against us because of the watchman and our previous servants selfish motives. I claim and believe that no weapon formed by the enemy against me will prosper.

Please pray that a miracle happens and he goes away from our building forever and no case is filed against us.

Helen Diane Lopes



Received: April 8, 2019


Please pray for my healing and deliverance from Chronic Atropic Gastritis. I have so much fear and anxiety. I lose a lot of pounds already. I cannot sleep well at night. I want to be healed completely and pray that I may serve the Lord our God,

Received: April 8, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Benjamin Mansell

I pray for work to come in. I recently left a casual position on a council through recruitment with more work on offer to work for a company called turfcare western Australia. The position started off casual and lead to permanent full-time. On Friday morning without warning I was put off saying the work was not as promised and I was still only a casual so it didn't bother him. I have been really disappointed because I really believed I had a breakthrough in getting a full-time role with holiday pay, sick pay etc. I'm now ringing recruitment agencies and applying for jobs feeling like I'm going backwards.

I am praying that a job will come through

Benjamin Mansell

Western Australia

Received: April 8, 2019