Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Beverly Ann

I am asking for prayers for my kids and myself. I was assaulted my ex-husband/ their father. I pray I get sole custody of our kids. I pray the DCF workers remove his custodial rights. Our kids are emotional drained ,continue nightmares. They are in fear of their father. He is bi-polar, anger management issues & has other personality disorders. Two year ago, he choked my daughter. She now struggles to have a relationship with God. My son has shut down completely. I pray to God to allow the Judges, DCF workers, Therapists, & anyone who is working on this case protect my children, rule in the children's favor. For they are innocence.

I also pray he get the help he needs.


Received: July 19, 2019