Benny Hinn Ministries Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Prayer for God to supernaturally open doors. Remove me from the place of stuck & stagnation.

Prayer for God's supernatural intervention in every area of my life.

Prayer for God's favor with apartment management for new place, God's favor with dealership & bank for new transportation. Prayer for increase & strength with my faith.

Prayer for God's favor with sellers & buyers for real estate deals. For real estate deals to close immediately.

Prayer for supernatural breakthroughs in finances.

Prayer for God's supernatural supply from Heaven to meet all my needs. Prayer for God's favor with bill companies.

Supernatural miracle financial breakthrough $20,000 to take care of financial responsibilities.

Prayer for God to move me to a better atmosphere & environment.

Prayer for God to connect me with Kingdom minded people; people that are moving forward in the Kingdom of God & their lives.

Surround me with people that are business oriented.

Prayer for my friendship/relationship with Earic.

Received: July 19, 2019