The Peace That Passes All Understanding
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27 NKJV).”
Peace is not the absence of trouble. It is the presence of Christ in the midst of any trouble you may face!
All around you, the world struggles, yet you can walk in supernatural protection, provision, and the peace that passes understanding
The key is learning to walk in His “peace that passes understanding”—an important part of our covenant relationship with Him! And His peace is available to you today!
Over the past few days, I have been reminded of a very special time. Back on April 12, 2011, the Lord visited me in a most glorious way, and it is still hard to talk or write about the experience without feeling overwhelmed, even today.
But first, let me go back several more decades before 2011 to explain…back to the 1970s.
I was a new believer, single, and alone, and the Lord visited my life in such a powerful way—I would eventually share about it in my book Good Morning, Holy Spirit. I met the precious and blessed Holy Spirit, who has been my constant companion since then. And it was in those days that the Lord birthed the ministry that I continue today.
During those early years, the Lord Jesus continued to bless and use me as the ministry grew and expanded. Things also began changing in my personal life: I met and married Suzanne and then we started a family.
One moment I will never forget occurred just a few days after my oldest daughter, Jessica, was born. She was only two weeks old; we were living in Orlando. I was enjoying being a Daddy so much. One day as I was holding her so tenderly and lovingly, suddenly our precious Lord Jesus spoke to me. He said, “One day you will be all mine.”
I was startled and puzzled why He said those words. I remember so vividly looking up and saying to Him, “But I’m yours now!”
He responded by saying, “No. Right now, you are hers.”
It was a startling moment for me, one that I’ve thought about many times since then, especially recently.
The years have passed. The children have grown. Suzanne and I are older, and our lives are full of enjoying so many wonderful children and grandchildren. Yet I never forgot what God told me all those years ago—what He said to me when my Jessica was just a newborn.
Today, even as I’ve been reflecting on that moment and God’s words to me, I’ve also felt such a peace about what He is doing in my life right now. And I feel led to share it with you. Perhaps you are going through a time of transition or trouble.
Now, More Than Ever, I Am Truly His!
As a new chapter in this ministry continues to emerge with a greater emphasis on reaching people of all ages through any means possible, it would be easy to concentrate on the swirl of activities and changes rather than on Christ’s peace.
I can tell you that never have I felt such an urgency to carry my cross and follow Him. Never has my heart been so committed to forsake all and follow the Master!
Still, though the desire to do more and reach more is always growing, I have learned to rest in Him, for I am His, above all.
Many times I have read and taught on Christ’s words:
“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24).
It is becoming even clearer to me WHAT this means.
Just this morning, in a moment of peace that passes understanding, I said to Him, “Dearest Jesus, be all in all in my life.” Even though I’ve prayed that prayer many times before, my life is easily filled with distractions and decisions.
I can tell you now that I’ve never felt such peace, the peace that passes understanding, and known such determination in my soul to focus on Him. In truth, my precious partner, we have no place else to go but back into His arms—no place to go but worshipping at His beautiful nail-scarred feet. That is where we must go to find real comfort and guidance to carry us through every day.
And what peace we can find in His presence! The peace that passes all understanding.
The Peace That Only God Can Give
Do you remember that blessed Scripture about the demoniac at Gadara? After Jesus cast out the demons, what happened next was amazing:
“Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid” (Luke 8:35).
Regardless of where you are right now with the Lord, the only place of rest and peace is at the feet of the Master. Away from Him are chaos, confusion, and pain. Only at the feet of Jesus Christ do we find peace for our souls and assurance in our hearts.
We are promised:
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3).
Doesn’t the Bible tell us that in His presence is the fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11)?
There is a wonderful old hymn from the late 1800s that continues to speak volumes:
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
I urge you today with all my heart, to find the “peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). You can find it only in the blessed presence of Jesus.
Only there, intimately connected to Him, can you find His substance and everlasting glory. Only there can you discover how His peace fills your life to the point that nothing can offend, disturb, or distract you.
You can truly be His and dwell in Him!
Finding God’s Peace, Sharing His Peace
Today, I’m asking God to use me—as never before—for His Majesty, to bring healing to the wounded, the broken, the downcast, and the tormented. And that is my prayer for you, too.
Believe me, I have been there, and I know the only way out is through casting all my cares upon Him—upon finding the peace that only He can offer.
I’ve had a healing ministry to the physically sick, but I want to focus even more than before on the wounded in heart, knowing God’s promise:
“For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD” (Jeremiah 30:17).
I urge you to do two things today:
1. Find your peace at the feet of Jesus Christ. Seek Him with all of your heart, and He will give you peace that you have never known before. Spend time with Him, for true prayer and spending time in His presence will bring the peace of God back into your life.
2. Help me tell others about the healer of broken hearts, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Galilee. We are surrounded by people of all ages and backgrounds who are in trouble—spiritually, mentally, and physically—and the devil is fighting to keep those strongholds in place. Only Jesus can break through those strongholds!
Maybe you can identify with losing your peace, your health, or your family. Undoubtedly, you’ve gone through satan’s attempts to kill, steal, and destroy you. If so, you can understand how desperate the world is, and how vital it is for us to live in His peace, even as we take the message of salvation, healing, hope, and peace to them right now!
Help me share the glorious gospel!
Oh, dear partner, the world is open to the Gospel as never before. These troubling times are causing people to question everything, even their most deeply held beliefs. They want to hear real truth, real answers to their most overwhelming challenges. And we know there is only one answer for the world today: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Our precious Master said:
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
Billions around the globe are waiting to hear the message of peace and hope that only Christ can offer.
In warmest Christian love,
Benny Hinn
In 1 John 3:22 we read, “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him.” Today, sow your seed for God’s work as you help Pastor Benny take the Gospel of peace and hope to a wounded world. Wrap your seed with your faith, and sow it with cheerful excitement, for the Lord has promised that as you obey Him, He will give you back financial blessings so great that there will not be room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10)!