Our Challenging Privilege, Our High Calling
“Souls are crying out for the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of salvation, the Gospel of deliverance, the Gospel of peace.”
The greatest burden God can give to man is a burden for the lost! It is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and when God touches you with that burden, it will change your life.
I was first given this extraordinary burden nearly 45 years ago, and even as I reflect on what has been done for the lost in the eventful decades since, I have also been intensely aware that God is showing everything to this point is just a foretaste of what is to come!
But I must warn you that this burden comes with an uncommon price—and an eternal reward!
I want you to know, from my heart, how much I appreciate all you have done for the Lord Jesus. But I also want you to know that there is no greater cry in heaven than the cry for lost souls to be saved—for lost humanity to hear the precious Gospel of our wonderful Lord.
I want you to know what this burden, this cry, can mean for you!
No Greater Cost
When God created the universe—all the solar system, the galaxies, the stars, the sun, the moon, our world—it cost Him nothing. God created each with joy. He spoke, and it was done.
When God created man, it cost Him nothing. Yet it cost Him everything to save one lost soul!
Think about it! That is why the cry of God’s heart will always be souls, souls, SOULS! Jesus Christ gave His life for souls to be saved.
The most precious thing in the sight of God is a life. One soul is more precious to Him than all of creation and all the billions of angels of heaven.
One life!
That is why He came to earth to die—to give His life for you, me, and every man, woman, young person, boy, and girl on the planet.
That must be our ultimate message and highest calling!
Souls Are Crying
We live in momentous days about which our forefathers only dreamed. The time has never been more right for reaching lost souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
You and I have seen glorious days in the past, yet I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that nothing can compare to the glory of the days we are living in right now. And I know the glory of God will increase more and more during the coming days as we continue going around the world to preach the Gospel of our precious Redeemer.
Yes, it is true that many situations around the globe have never been more dangerous and our time has never been more limited. However, with a clear view of the past and what lies ahead, we must get the Gospel out with all speed and intensity:
- We must tell lost and frightened humanity that there is hope, and His name is Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
- We must tell lost and bound humanity that there is a way out, and His name is Jesus!
- We must tell everyone that there is only one door through which they can enter and find peace of mind, peace of soul, and safety, and His name is Jesus!
Souls are crying out for the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of salvation, the Gospel of deliverance, the Gospel of peace.
The world is crying out for the peace that “passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7), and the only way they can find that peace is through the Prince of peace, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Almighty God, who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).
This is the message the world wants to—and must—hear. And it is the message we must preach! We must tell lost souls around the world that Jesus is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth, and the ONLY life!
Our world is looking for answers.
Oh, beloved of God, the world is ready to hear the Gospel. They are looking for truth. In fact, they are desperate for it.
The time is now! We cannot delay. The dangers in this world have never been so great, and our time has never been so short.
We must preach the Gospel now with fervency, speed, and intensity. We must accelerate all of our efforts. The door is open now. Tomorrow may be too late!
Even as we celebrate the victories being won, we must be aware that so many souls around the world will be facing eternity during the coming months.
May God give each of us a burden for the lost and needy, and may it increase daily!
No Angel Can Preach the Gospel
The awesome, unthinkable truth is that God Almighty has given people like you and me the responsibility to tell lost souls about Jesus Christ and the salvation He has provided for them.
No angel in heaven has ever been given the command, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
No angel in heaven can preach the Gospel, because the blood of Jesus was not shed for the angels. The angels cannot preach the Gospel, for how can they preach what they have not experienced themselves? How can they preach the Gospel when they have not known the joy of redemption?
No angel can look up to God and say, “Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul.” No angel can say to Him, “Thank You for changing my life” or “Thank You for coming into my heart.”
Yet today you and I can look up and say, “Thank You for saving my soul; thank You for touching my life; thank You for making me whole!”
God’s Son shed His blood and gave His life for humanity, not for the angels. They cannot give away what they have not experienced.
Not only can the angels not preach the Gospel, they also can’t be witnesses of the power of the cross. Even God Himself cannot be a witness of the power of His own cross.
Think about it!
Not even Jesus can testify what the cross has done for Him. Sin never touched Him, so He cannot stand and say as we can, “Once I was lost, but now I am found. Once I was a sinner, but now I have been cleansed by the blood.”
He shed His blood, yet that blood was not shed for Himself! It was shed for you, for me, and for every soul on Earth.
He gave you and me the great privilege to tell others about salvation through Him. Not the angels. Not God Himself. No one can do what you and I can do.
What an awesome, amazing truth! Only you and I can stand before the world and say, “Once I was lost, but now I am found.” And only sinners saved by grace have been given the privilege to tell the world Jesus saves, Jesus saves, JESUS SAVES!
Now is the Time
But our time is running out. The nations of the world are ready to receive the Gospel as never before. The doors are wide open, now more than ever. We have to tell the world now!
When Cornelius was in prayer (Acts 10), the angel came and said to call for Peter. The angel did not, could not, tell the message of salvation through the blood. Peter then traveled from Joppa to Caesarea for one reason—to tell Cornelius the Gospel.
There are millions out there in the world, like Cornelius, who are calling out for God, seeking answers, and pleading for deliverance. They are looking for hope, but no hope is in sight. They are begging for answers, but no answers are found. They are searching for light, yet they are imprisoned in darkness.
It is our duty, job, and privilege to travel to that place where that dear soul is crying out. It is our responsibility to tell them that Jesus Christ is the Answer. It is our calling to preach the Gospel to them before it is eternally too late.
So many have never heard the Gospel, nor will they unless someone tells them. Not all are able to watch our program on television. Millions are too poor to buy a television set. We must go and tell them, and I am going! And through your gifts, you are going with me!
An Urgent Request for You Today
When my wonderful Lord Jesus placed this ever-increasing burden on my heart to focus my attention on souls around the world, I knew there were sacrifices that would have to be made and great costs that would have to be counted.
Because the expenses for each of our outreaches—miracle services, This Is Your Day broadcasts, social media, and missions—are so much greater than ever before, and because the precious people in many of the places I travel to have so little to give in return, the financial burden on this ministry has been enormous.
But, with your help, it’s a price I’m willing to pay!
Outside the USA?
My precious partner, you have stood with me with such faithfulness, and I need you to know that unless I hear from you, some of these crusades may have to be canceled. The thought of that grieves my heart—and I know it grieves yours too.
Because of your love for the Gospel, I knew you would want to know the serious decision I am facing right now. So I must hear from you, knowing that you, my wonderful partner, will send your support now.
Please don’t let me say “no” to the precious souls waiting to hear the saving and healing message of the Gospel at this hour of decision.
Your Gifts—Your Calling
Every time you give, you are preaching the Gospel. Your offerings mean that you travel with me wherever I go or whatever I do to spread His Word. Your precious seed goes directly toward taking the message of salvation to the nations. Your gifts help proclaim the power of Jesus Christ to change lives for eternity!
When you give, it is because you have heard the cry of heaven. When you plant your seed, it is to fulfill God’s burden for humanity.
This is the greatest order God has given to you and me—to preach the Gospel, to go to the nations! It is the greatest burden and the highest calling.
When you give, you obey the King of Glory. As you sow seed for souls, you touch the deepest part of His heart, and He will bless you for it beyond your ability to receive His blessings.
Only when you give for the Gospel will the windows of heaven open, and mighty, abundant financial blessings will be poured upon your life.
Only when you give for the Gospel can you claim the promise of Luke 6:38:
“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.”
Only then will He multiply the seed you sow!
Giving for the Gospel brings blessings upon your life. Nothing else moves God as when you give to take the Gospel of His Son to lost souls.
I am asking you from the deepest part of my heart that you give today for this mighty work so we can continue to make advance preparations for each of the many outreaches around the world through the awesome doors that have been opened to us.
I know I will hear from you! God will speak to you. I know you love Him enough to hear His voice.
Let’s do it together while there is still time!
I trust I will hear from you today, and I pray that your gift will not only bring multitudes of lost souls to the cross, but that your gift will be multiplied into a vast harvest of financial blessings in your own life—in the mighty name of Jesus Christ—as we share this greatest burden!
For the glory of our wonderful Lord Jesus,
Benny Hinn
During these exciting times of incredible victories and unparalleled opportunity, will you send your best seed now to be planted toward miracle services and our television, Internet, and many other outreaches around the globe? Help Pastor Benny with this greatest burden as we work together to spread God’s message of salvation and miracles to a lost, needy, and dying world. May we be found faithful until our wonderful Lord comes again. Sow your best offering today!