Greatest Wealth Transfer
“I’ll be praying in agreement with you that God will do the mighty and miraculous in your life—that you’ll see the breakthrough you’ve been praying for.”
Arecent CNBC headline blared, “Here’s How to Prepare Your Heirs for the $68 trillion ‘Great Wealth Transfer.’” This “Advisor Insight” featured hot-off-the-press research by Cerulli Associates, a major wealth management firm. The article’s key point:
Baby boomers are set to pass to their children a mind-boggling $68 trillion—the biggest generational wealth transfer ever!
The report echoed the words of many other international financial analysts who point increasingly to the impending and momentous tidal wave of cash and assets taking place RIGHT NOW!
$68 trillion? Who can even comprehend that much money?
Think about it. If you put a stack of $100 bills together, one on top of the other, $68 trillion would rise 45,560 miles into the sky, spiraling upwards nearly one-fifth of the way to the moon (238,900 miles).
But what does that mean to you and to me? What can it mean for the Kingdom?
The Coming Wealth Transfer
I’m writing this to you today because God has revealed to me so many wonderful things that He wants to do through my partners in the coming weeks and months!
Just as I’ve been saying in recent months, I truly believe that we are seeing a glorious transfer of wealth for the preaching of the Gospel and for the financing of the end-time harvest. And it begins with you.
Outside the USA?
If the liberal media and so-called financial experts agree that the most significant transfer of wealth has already begun, we can align that with what Scripture promises and point this great transfer of capital to you and every believer.
Certainly, supernatural sudden wealth transfers have already happened. Six are mentioned in Scripture: Abraham (Genesis 12:10), Isaac (Genesis 26:1), Jacob (Genesis 31), Joseph (Genesis 41), Israel (Exodus 3:19-22), and Solomon (1 Kings 10:23).
In fact, we are in a season of incredible growth in every realm—spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial. This certainly includes the anointing for property that has been so heavy on my heart for you. And as with the children of Israel, the land they possessed was given for their future. As long as they obeyed and acted on His promises, they prospered in that land.

Prosperity, possessing the land, and expanding your borders is not man’s idea. It is from God Almighty, and it’s for you today!
Jesus Himself promised that those who have sacrificed anything, including houses and lands, for His sake and the Gospel’s will “receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses…and lands…and in the age to come, eternal life” (Mark 10:29-30 NKJV).
How Will He Do It?
We have many instances of the wealth transfer in Bible history, including Israel’s. Remember the great Old Testament superpower called Egypt? The nation had more gold and silver than any other on the planet. Yet Moses was in exile in the desert while the children of Israel toiled in slavery. Everything kept going as it had been for years, but suddenly things began to change. God spoke to Moses from a burning bush and told him to go back to Egypt. Not only did He promise to deliver His children from slavery, but He said, “When you leave you will not go empty-handed” (Exodus 3:21 NIV).
And it happened exactly as God promised!
We know without a doubt that we have been called to take the Gospel to the nations. He alone knows how this Great Commission will be financed, but we can be confident that “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
But here’s the crucial principle: He wants to bless you so you can be a blessing!
Two Quick Questions…Two Pointed Answers
The One who has called us is completely dependable. If He said it, He will do it! And with the greatest wealth transfer in human history underway now, I want to answer two questions for you:
1. Can it happen for you?
2. How do you claim and receive it?
History, again, is the best example of what to expect. Looking back, what did God ask His people to do before He poured out a historic financial blessing?
With Israel, right before giving them their supernatural wealth transfer, God first asked them to give an offering. Every household was commanded to bring a lamb to sacrifice. Then, after making the sacrifice and applying the blood over the door and on the doorposts, God told them to go and receive the wealth of the Egyptians.
The people’s obedience and sacrificial offerings triggered their harvest!
Your Step of Faith
I am going to ask you to do something today that can change your life. My heart is full of faith for you and your family right now. My faith is strong that God will bring you out of the financial pressure you are under and will begin to unleash miracles of abundance, especially in the area of houses and lands.
I’m asking you to sow a sacrificial seed-gift into the fertile soil of this worldwide ministry as an act of faith in helping me to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.
I can tell you from my heart that I’ve never wanted to preach the message of the cross more than today. I want to spend my remaining years proclaiming the life-saving message of the Gospel that Jesus saves, heals, protects, transforms, and blesses!
I need you to help me say yes to those who are lost and hurting, desperate for a touch from the Lord. So much depends upon on you, my faithful partner.

Will you prayerfully sow a sacrificial seed today? Will you take an extraordinary step of faith? I know you may have other plans for that seed, but I’m asking you to seek and obey God as He shows you a divine destiny for that seed. And as you sow it into the Lord’s work, He will transform your life!
According to Paul’s teaching in 2 Corinthians 9:
- The believer “who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
- “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
- “God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:9).
And as you give today, I’ll be praying in agreement with you that God will do the mighty and miraculous in your life—that you’ll see the breakthrough you’ve been praying for, especially in the area of property!
Be Part of the Greatest Wealth Transfer
If the greatest wealth transfer in human history is happening as we move from this generation to the next, and if this anticipated transfer will be more than $68 trillion, there is no reason why you should not be a partaker in it.
If you need a miracle in your life, and if you want something better for yourself and your family, this is the time to prepare by sowing seed. Release your seed-gift as an act of faith, and the Lord will surely send you a supernatural harvest. As I have said so many times, your harvest is a direct connection to your seed, and your seed is a direct connection to your faith.
Increase your faith, then increase your seed level so that God can increase your harvest. Remember, giving unlocks the harvest! So wrap your seed in mighty faith and wait expectantly—for a cascade of prosperity is about to overtake you!
I am expecting to hear from you, and I pray that your gift will bring multitudes of lost souls to the cross and, at the same time, that your step of faith will help you be part of the greatest wealth transfer in history!
I can only do so much. I’m believing for you and praying for your needs every day, but you must take the next step.

Are you ready to literally be overtaken by prosperity? He will do it! God is looking for people today whom He can trust with wealth! Join your faith with mine and be obedient in your giving. Then watch for God to send you a powerful overflow of supernatural blessings.
That is my prayer for you today and always!
With “exceedingly-above-and-beyond” faith for you,
Benny Hinn
Today is the day for you to prepare yourself and your loved ones to receive the greatest wealth transfer in history, especially in the area of houses and lands. My faith for your breakthrough is strong, and I encourage you to act while the anointing for houses and lands is flowing. Increase your faith, then increase your seed level so that God can increase your harvest. Wrap your seed in mighty faith and wait expectantly, for a cascade of prosperity is about to overtake you!