Today’s Key Scripture (all references NKJV unless otherwise noted:

For innumerable evils have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of my head; therefore my heart fails me.                  — Psalm 40:12

When you stop knocking on God’s door it will be the first step on a downward spiral in your prayer life. If you stop knocking, you will only seek and ask. If you stop seeking you will only ask.

The list of mistakes in the life of David is long indeed. According to Scripture, he committed adultery with Bathsheba, had her husband killed, and tried to rationalize his actions.

Nine months later, as a child was about to be born to Bathsheba, Nathan told David, “You are the man” (2 Samuel 12:7). Is it any wonder that David was so distraught about the “evils” and “iniquities” that encompassed his life?

What was the key to David’s restoration? He realized his helplessness, confessed his sin and continued to call on God.

Like David, you may say, “My sins have consumed my life. Please, Lord, help me before I perish!”

There is good news!  Regardless of the depth of your despair, the hand of God can  reach down and rescue you.  He will remove the mountains of your life.

Don’t stop asking. Don’t stop seeking. Don’t stop knocking at your Father’s door.

A Prayer for Today:

Heavenly Father, Your Word says whoever asks, seeks, and knocks shall receive, so I humbly request that Your Holy Spirit’s mighty presence will engulf me even now—today! Lord, I thirst for You. I need You. I desire to spend time with You. You know my thoughts and intents already, so I ask You to draw me ever closer to You. Fill me today with more of You. I open my heart to You. Take control of my life. Help me to avoid trying to hide anything from You. Let me dwell in sweet intimacy with You every day of my life. I ask this in Your most precious name, my Savior and my Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen, and Amen!