Many ministries, organizations, and corporations are criticized for making lots of promises to raise finances, but then are not always staying as committed to fulfilling those promises. What kind of track record does Benny Hinn Ministries have?

2017-01-14T16:46:16-06:00Categories: |

Comments Off on Many ministries, organizations, and corporations are criticized for making lots of promises to raise finances, but then are not always staying as committed to fulfilling those promises. What kind of track record does Benny Hinn Ministries have?

You obviously have to work within certain legal and governmental restrictions, but ultimately you are responsible to God and the partners who support you. How do you balance “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” and “seek ye first the kingdom of God”?

2017-01-14T16:44:36-06:00Categories: |

Comments Off on You obviously have to work within certain legal and governmental restrictions, but ultimately you are responsible to God and the partners who support you. How do you balance “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” and “seek ye first the kingdom of God”?
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