God’s Timing Means Everything…

“I’m so grateful I listened to God’s voice and, by faith, obeyed His leading, for His perfect timing orchestrated my footsteps and led me right into His perfect will. God’s timing means everything!”

Within a couple of weeks, I boarded a different bus. This one wasn’t headed for college. This one was filled with excited believers going to the very first Kathryn Kuhlman meeting that I’d ever attended. We were heading from Toronto to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I’ve shared the story many times what happened. It was there that I was introduced to the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit, as chronicled in my book Good Morning, Holy Spirit.

And I found my destiny! I’ve experienced God’s divine timing in a way that I would have never dreamed possible, and it changed the course of my life

“Timing,” the old saying goes, “is everything.”

I would add, “God’s timing means everything!” And in the spiritual realm, timing is crucial. God’s perfect will for you and me is directly related to His perfect timing!

Looking back, I realize how different my life would have been if I had stepped onto that first bus instead. I’m so grateful I listened to God’s voice and, by faith, obeyed His leading, for His perfect timing orchestrated my footsteps and led me right into His perfect will.

God’s Timing–God’s Momentum

I’m writing this to you today because God has revealed to me so many wonderful things that He wants to do through my partners in the coming weeks and months!

God’s purposes are accomplished as we discover His perfect will, especially as we understand His perfect timing in every situation, not only in our personal lives, but also as we partner together to take the message of the Gospel to the world.


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And at no other time in the history of our ministry has the timing been so right for us to go into all the world! So many incredible open doors for ministry affirm this fact.

I can’t share all the details with you at this time, but doors that have been closed to the Gospel are opening!

As my friend and partner in ministry, I believe you can sense the momentum of what God is doing. And with each new open-door opportunity comes a heavy responsibility, for we must recognize God’s perfect will and His perfect timing so His purposes can be accomplished for His glory.

“Benny, can you imagine…?”

Not long, before he went home to heaven, my dear friend and Christian media trailblazer Rex Humbard was reminiscing about his 70 years of ministry, and he made a statement that shook me to the core of my being.

He said, “Benny, because of modern technology, you and others like you are speaking to more people today about salvation, healing, and the supernatural power of God than all the evangelists and preachers that have lived since the day of Pentecost until now!”

He continued, “Can you imagine what God has entrusted into your hands? Men before you were faithful, and some even died for the Gospel, but they didn’t reach the whole world.”

He was right!

This Amazing Opportunity is Our Responsibility

The opportunity we have been given—to reach the multitudes with the latest technologies—is immeasurable. It’s the greatest time of opportunity in the history of the church!

But what a responsibility. I can’t do it alone, nor can you. But together, we can touch and impact people all around the globe!

Pastor Benny Hinn taping This Is Your Day

God has called us, and he is trusting us to:

“go into the world and preach the Gospel” (Mark 16:15).

We cannot fail Him. We must preach the Gospel to all the world while we can!

Today, the world’s population is 7.7 billion. Less than a third consider themselves to be Christians, even by the broadest of definitions. Some estimates for born-again believers are as low as 10 percent.

In other words, if these statistics are correct, as many as 6.7 billion people living today have NOT received Jesus Christ as Savior! Unless they can be reached with the Gospel, they will spend eternity separated from God.

That should shake each of us to the core, just as the shaking of the nations was prophesied:

“And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts” (Haggai 2:7).

This shaking must begin with each of us! Now!

So Much To Be Done…

We cannot look to the past and be satisfied. There is an aching need for more evangelism, not less.

God has drawn my heart to the fact that He desires to shake the nations.

I truly believe that all we have seen in past months and years is but a foretaste of what is to come. God has even more in store for us, not less! In fact, as I mentioned in my most recent message to you, the enemy of your soul does everything possible to keep you from planting into the kingdom of God. The evil one knows what you stand to gain!

Crowd at Miracle Service - enewsletter - benny hinn ministries

And God’s timing, in direct relation to the seed you plant, means everything!

It is for this reason, and so many others, that I can boldly ask you, my precious partner, to stand with me through your incredible generosity like never before. We are on the threshold of a new wave of evangelism that will impact the world for His glory.

I am humbled beyond measure that God has called me to minister during this unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit, and I know without a doubt that I cannot do it without your help.

Will you stand with me?

Will you give a timely gift that demonstrates your love for the Lord and your love for His precious Gospel?

Be part of this powerful harvest over the coming weeks and months! I sense such an urgency for this. We know that heaven takes notice when you plant for souls. God Himself gave His very best, His only Son, for whosoever believes and receives.

It is time for more, not less!

Your measure of faith and your measure of seed are tied together. To increase your faith level, increase your seed level toward spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your life will never be the same!

Girl Healed at Benny Hinn Ministries Event

Today, whatever seed God has placed in your hands, sow it, and believe He will multiply it, as promised:

“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).

Seed cannot multiply until it is sown! Plant the very best seed you can today to help in this exciting hour. Only you can help me say yes to the opportunities ahead.

Thank you for serving our wonderful Lord Jesus, and thank you for standing with me, reaching millions for His glory. Your gift truly means “the world” to me and to this ministry!

For the glory of our wonderful Lord Jesus,

Benny Hinn

The Gospel is free to all, but taking it to the nations is very expensive. Stand with Pastor Benny Hinn to take the life-saving and miracle-working power of Jesus Christ to lost and hurting souls around the world.

Because of your support, no matter the amount, someone will hear about Jesus Christ for the very first time today.