A Ministry of Miracles
“We know that prayer is the language of heaven. It is one of the greatest privileges that you and I have as believers, especially as we agree in prayer for the needs of others.”
We certainly believe in all the facets of our calling, but it is the miracles that have opened doors and reached millions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let me share how…
What makes this ministry so unique?
I have no doubt that it is the miracles!
During nearly 45 years in ministry, I’ve stood before thousands, even millions, of people who have come to the services with great expectations for seeing and experiencing miracles. Many have driven long distances, and some are in desperate circumstances, knowing their only hope is a miracle from God.
It is impossible for people to understand how utterly helpless I sometimes feel in those services. I know that in myself I have no power to bring healing, no special gift to grant deliverance, and nothing in myself alone to bring wave after wave of miracles. I can only look up to heaven and say, “Lord, I am depending on You again tonight.”
I love the song, “Holy Spirit, You are Welcome in This Place.” Anyone who comes to our services or watches them on the television or computer screen knows without a doubt that I sing the words to songs like this with all my heart. I know that without His person and presence, there is no anointing for miracles.
And I have learned that it is only through agreement with God and His people that we move from the natural to the supernatural—from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
People ask again and again, “What’s the secret to your ministry and all the miracles you witness year after year?”
On Earth and In Heaven
Everything revolves around agreement—with God and each other!
We know that prayer is the language of heaven. It is one of the greatest privileges that you and I have as believers, especially as we agree in prayer for the needs of others.
How awesome it is to realize that the One who created the world waits to hear the deepest and most intimate expressions of our hearts united in prayer.
And He answers the cries of our hearts when we are knit together in agreement!
How important is the unity of believers? As Jesus taught, it is the key to releasing the power of the Almighty.
Here is one of the most powerful statements ever made by the Son of God:
When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there. (Matthew 18:19-20 MSG)
Jesus placed Himself in the midst of our prayers of agreement. There is a special power that only happens when we join together as believers.
Far too often, we keep our petitions to ourselves, believing that prayer should only be “between me and God.” Some have uttered the same words for weeks, months, and even years, yet there has been no answer.
Isn’t it time we look again at the words of Jesus? He encourages us to agree together in prayer.
Throughout Scripture, in fact, we are taught the importance of unity:
- Unity is commanded by Christ—“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34 KJV).
- We are encouraged to agree with the Spirit—“For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things” (Acts 15:28).
- Believers must be united—“Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10).
You may ask, “Who are the people I should ask to join me in prayer?”
I have experienced the power of agreement in my life, but I hesitate to pray with someone I do not know. The Word gives this counsel:
“And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you” (1 Thessalonians 5:12).
Be certain you pray with someone you trust in the Spirit, for there is mighty power available to us when we follow God’s mandate to pray in agreement.
A Ministry of Answered Prayer
One of the many ways I know how much this ministry is being used is reading the multitude of reports of answered prayers that come to me.
Here are a few recent testimonies:
Jacqueline S., France
Thank you for your praying for me. I watch your programs via the internet. I had a rough childhood. You’ve helped me so much in the years that I’ve been watching This Is Your Day, and I especially want to thank you for believing in miracles. I’ve seen them in my own life, including physical and emotional healing. Thank you for being faithful in sharing God’s Word!
Marilyn F., California
I’ve been a long-time partner with your ministry, and I can’t begin to thank you enough for what God has done through you for me. Years ago, I was healed of a Melanoma. Nearly ten years ago I was healed of a triple negative breast cancer. In each case when the doctors examined me afterward, they said, “We can’t understand!” I told them, “I got a second opinion.” When they asked, “Who?” I said, “The Great Physician, Jesus Christ!” Oh, thank you, so much, Pastor Benny, for remaining faithful in sharing the word and operating in the miraculous!
Beatriz M., Spain
A few years ago Pastor Benny held a crusade in Madrid. Members of my family attended, including a brother who had been suffering from osteochondroma, a painful bone condition. That night he went forward and God healed him completely! We are all continuing to rejoice in this amazing miracle.
Lawrence, South Korea
As a seven-year-old boy, I saw my first Benny Hinn video tape that someone shared with our family. As I watched it, I cried and cried because I realized our God loves us and wants to heal people. I not only accepted Christ into my heart, but I met the Holy Spirit, just like you said. And from that day you became my spiritual father, even though we’ve never met in person. I’ve read all your books and watched all of your programs. Today, I am a pastor. Thank you for all that you mean to me!
Oh, how I wish you could sit with me as I read through reports such as these, my eyes brimming with tears.
How can I not be encouraged when I am constantly reminded of the fact that God desires to answers our prayers?
How can I not be thankful and believe even more in Almighty God who continues to direct our steps?
And how can I not dedicate myself anew to being used to bring people together, united in purpose and prayer?
My Request to You
You, too, are a very special part of this ministry of miracles!
I can tell you that during more than four and a half decades of preaching the Gospel around the world, my heart has not wavered from the calling to this ministry and to the demonstration of His power through miracles!
I can also proclaim to you that the intensity of my calling has not lessened, but grown immeasurably.
Today, I’m driven more than ever to preach the Gospel to the billions who still need to hear the message of God’s saving and healing power!
I encourage you to give toward the spread of the Gospel. As we step out in faith during this season with the added emphasis on intercessory prayer, it is imperative that we not neglect our giving. Giving to God keeps us focused on His work, and it clarifies our priorities and desires.
You see, as I’ve said many times, giving is not about money. Giving is about righteousness.
- Giving is a reflection of what’s in your heart.
- Giving declares a person’s righteous standing before God, for righteousness and giving go hand in hand.
- Giving is voting for the Kingdom, for our precious Jesus, and for His work. God uses your giving as a weapon in His hands.
The psalmist speaks of the righteous giver:
“His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed” (Psalm 112:2-3).
That is my prayer for you!
And as we move into this anointed season of answered prayer, what has God put into your hand? Whatever it is, you can be certain that He has provided you with a special seed for this special harvest, for He gives seed to the sower.
Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness. (2 Corinthians 9:10)
When you give toward the spread of the Gospel, you multiply your own harvest!
So it is up to you and me to plant the seed He has provided during the continued harvest of finances, which will continue to lead to the harvest of miracles, then to the harvest of souls. What a wonderful, eternal opportunity we have before us!
God is in the “seed-giving business.”
He provides the seed to the sower! That’s you and that’s me when we give toward the spread of God’s Good News.
What we do with that seed is crucial to what happens next!
Faith That Leads to Divine Favor
God is ready to provide an abundant, supernatural harvest as you give toward the spread of the Gospel! So plant your most generous seed-gift for the work of the Lord so you can move into a season of harvest.
We know that sowing always precedes reaping, and seed-time always precedes harvest.
The seed you sow in faith into the fertile soil of this ministry of miracles will produce a harvest of abundance and blessings in your life. Your harvest will be in direct proportion to what you plant!
Outside the USA?
Sowing your seed places you in agreement with God’s Word! And God wants you to be blessed in every area of life—spiritually, physically, financially, and relationally.
But remember, significant times call for extraordinary steps of faith. What kind of steps, you ask?
- If you need a spiritual miracle, a step of faith in the spiritual realm will be required. You had to ask Christ into your heart before He came in as your Lord and Savior. He knocked at the door of your heart, but you had to open it (Revelation 3:20).
- If you desire a physical miracle, then God will require an act of faith in the physical realm, just as He told the lame man. “Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole!” (Luke 17:19).
- If you want a financial miracle, it’s important to act on the revelation you’ve received: “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
Our precious Lord always requires a step of faith, but He truly does use these steps to bring about a massive harvest.
Here are two quick testimonies related to this principle of sowing and agreement…
Pastor Igor M., Ukraine
I want you to know that your books and ministry have changed my life. Because of what I read, I repented from my sins and began moving in the power of the Holy Spirit. Now I am a pastor of a church in a small town and am ordained in your World Healing Fellowship. We are now planning to move into a larger church building. God has blessed me so much that I’ve made a $400 (USD) monthly commitment to your ministry in obedience to the Holy Spirit!
Jesus M., Nevada
My wife and I felt led of the Holy Spirit during your meeting in Las Vegas to make a $1,000 donation. We didn’t plant the seed for any specific reason, but just wanted to be obedient to God. I am an Army veteran and have been trying for a long time, through many trials, to get my Army pension. Wouldn’t you know it? Right after we planted the $1,000 seed, I received word that my pension was approved! Once again, we are learning that obedience always brings blessings!
Coming into agreement with God through obedience to His cause is a powerful step of faith.
Sowing and reaping is a fixed law that God has put into effect on this planet, and it will work for anyone! Ask any farmer or gardener anywhere in the world, and he will tell you, “Every time I sow seed in the ground, I expect a specific harvest where I plant the seed.”
A sower plants seed as a lifestyle, continually looking for ways to sow. Sowing is his #1 priority, and sowing consumes so much of his time and attention that he doesn’t even take time to look for the harvest. The harvest will come because the seed has been sown!
The Key is Your Seeds
I encourage you to plant your most generous step-of-faith seed—whatever God directs!
Whatever He has placed in your hand, as you release it as seed, He will give you more to sow and multiply it.
Together we can accomplish God’s agenda for this generation. Together we can do our part, give our best, and surrender our all to our wonderful Jesus, to whom belongs our lives, our gifts, our talents, our all.
Let’s do it together while there is still time!
Activate the law of the supernatural harvest that is coming your way through your seed!
Sow with a mighty expectation, for today and the future. The remainder of 2019 can truly be your year of answered prayer!
For the glorious and eternal cause of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ,
Benny Hinn
Through the seed you have planted online, you are playing a vital role in helping take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. We know that God will honor your faith, since giving is always tied to His financial blessings.
Truly, 2019 is your year for divine favor. It is your year for answered prayer, too. May God bless you mightily during the coming months because of your step of faith!