A Light of Hope on the Horizon
God is breaking forth His glory.
During this time, we must shift back to the message of the cross.
We must go forward, preaching about salvation to those who don’t yet know this life-giving truth.
Everywhere we look today, people are quite concerned about the future. Yet what was meant for evil will be turned into an amazing season of outpouring in every area of life—spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially—in ways we haven’t dared to imagine!
In 46 years of ministry, I’ve spoken often about the coming days…and today, more than ever, God is showing me that it’s time to remind believers not only of the lateness of the hour, but also about what God has commissioned us to do as the sands of time continue to sift through the prophetic hourglass!
And during the coming days, weeks, and months, we must be more determined, more creative, and more determined than ever if we are to meet the challenges and opportunities just ahead!
Shaking Taking Place, Revealing a Vast Difference
We know that God has never promised a life of ease and no challenges, yet I truly believe that the time is coming when He will make such an obvious difference between those who serve Him and those who don’t that everyone will see it.
In last week’s email to you, I spoke of the obvious difference between Isaac, whose crops prospered though surrounded by drought and famine (Genesis 26).
It will be as obvious a difference as when the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, yet our precious Lord Jesus brings abundant life and restoration (John 10:10).
Yes, right now there is a shaking taking place!
There is a purification moving over our globe, wave after wave. God is causing massive changes through every segment of society. Wrong is being exposed on every hand.
There is a shift going on in governments all around the world. A transformation is happening even among people who have never thought they needed God before as they are beginning to search diligently for Him.
People of all cultures, races, and economic levels are looking for someone with unshakable faith who will present the truth of the ages to them.
And in God’s sovereign timing, He wants to work mightily in you and me. Already, I have seen Him moving certain men and women into a greater dimension of power and purpose than ever before, and He wants to do this with you and this ministry.
During this time, we must shift back to the message of the cross. The Bible makes this very clear:
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” (Galatians 6:14 KJV).
We must go forward, preaching about salvation to those who don’t yet know this life-giving truth:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 NKJV).
We must declare: “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8-9).
I love what the Billy Graham used to say: “Only the supernatural love of God through changed lives can solve the problems that we face in our world.”
If we don’t take that message of hope, salvation, and miracles to a hurting, lost, and desperate world, who will?
If not now, when?
An Unshakable Faith to Share the Gospel Message of the Cross
Out of the coming major events unfolding in the news every day, God is breaking forth His glory. His Spirit is ready to invade city after city, region after region, nation after nation—but the time is very short!

We must work now, as John 9:4 (KJV) declares: “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” This is why the life-changing, miracle-filled Gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached now! Now! NOW!
God will hold us responsible in heaven for what we do with the historic opportunity He has given to you and me right now!
I believe that if each of us will offer the best we have to the Lord Jesus during these days of shaking, He will begin to increase your harvest in the days ahead.
He wants to give you the best He has!
He wants you to be blessed so you can bless others.
I am asking you, right now, to make a new commitment to God to offer your best to Him. Ask the Lord for a fresh burden to win the lost. Seek what you should do concerning planting your very best seed in this ministry. Pray as you have never prayed.
Over the coming days, everything must center on taking the Gospel to the nations through every possible means! And we must do it now.
Our focus must be on souls! That is the cry of my heart. More than ever, I am willing to spend my life, even to give my life if that is what it takes, to fulfill God’s call.
Opening Doors During These Amazing Days
Oh, precious one, I only wish I could tell you of doors opening throughout the world, even in places once closed to the Gospel. I will tell you more soon enough…
What I can tell you now is that this is a historic moment! Even in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis and all the challenges we face today, we are doubling our efforts to do more, preach more, use the internet and social media in a greater way, and seek God’s guidance more intensely to be good stewards of each gift sent.
Together, we must awake to the shaking taking place all around us. We must respond in a more determined way, knowing that the eternal destiny of millions, even billions, of souls hangs in the balance.
What we do, we must do quickly!
The signs of the times are everywhere, and the Bible declares:
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14).
I am asking you, as never before, to be faithful in your crucial part of this historic season as amazing doors continue to open in this hour.
The need is urgent!
I await your response. Whatever amount you give, wrap it with intense faith. Send it today. Join me in this mighty move.
Remember our Father’s glorious promise to us:
“Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness” (2 Corinthians 9:10).

I wait with anticipation to receive your generous seed for the Gospel. And I know God will reward you abundantly!
Plant your best seed today in expectation that God will do something unprecedented and wonderful in your own life as He uses your gift to touch souls around the globe during these momentous days of shaking and in the coming outpouring!
For the glorious and eternal cause of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ,

There is a shaking taking place. This is the hour to answer God’s call to continue winning the lost at any cost. The need has never been more urgent! Plant your most generous seed today in expectation of a worldwide harvest of souls, as well as an overflow of the Lord’s outpouring in your life. And may God bless you abundantly during the coming days, weeks, and months!