Today’s Key Scripture  

“God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.”

— 1 Thessalonians 5:24, NLT


The days ahead can be times of great anointing for purpose and destiny—for doing all that we are designed and destined to do.

However, to walk in that dimension, there is a price to be paid.

What price, you say?

We must be willing to walk away from things of the world that would separate us from the Lord.

The Lord will not reveal Himself to a person who is always in a hurry. Nor will He reveal Himself to anyone who places a time limit on Him. His fellowship is not cheap. Jesus went to the cross of Calvary so we might be able to become God’s redeemed children. A great price was paid for you and me that we might have fellowship with Him.

Therefore, going deeper with the Holy Spirit and truly finding our purpose and destiny will cost even more. God is not looking for people who rush in and rush out, as if punching a spiritual time clock. Instead, He is seeking to anoint those who are sensitive to Him and to His desire for unhampered fellowship.

Let me encourage you to spend extra time with Him today. Ask Him to move mightily as He shows you more and more of His plan for your life.

May His glory and presence be yours throughout the coming year as you see great things done for the glorious cause of Jesus Christ!


A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, I want You. I want to spend more time in intimate fellowship with You. I want to know more about You. I ask for Your wisdom and understanding. I’m so thankful that You sent Your Son to die on the cross so that I might have salvation and access to You. I trust You. I give You my life daily. Give me a heart that trusts You more every day. Jesus, I pray all this in Your Holy name, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.