• Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    The fruit and the Gifts of the Spirit are available to every believer. In fact, they are essential to unleashing God's power in your life. Jesus said, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you" (John 15:16)." Likewise, the Word of God commands that we should not be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts, (1 Corinthians 12:1), for they bring us to a place of spiritual maturity.

    Unleashing God's Power In your Life!

  • The Names of God eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries The Names of God eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Strengthen your relationship with God Almighty. In this inspired ebook, Benny Hinn shares marvelous insights the Lord has given him concerning the names of God. You will learn to approach the Father with a growing, deepening love and reverence. In these twelve revelations you will understand the nature of an awesome God who is waiting to meet your personal needs.

    Unlock the meanings of His name.

  • Adobe PDF Icon Bible Foods For Healing eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Get ready to discover how Bible foods can change your life. More than ever today, we need to turn to God's Word for revelation on how to boost our immune system and live a life of sustained health. God Almighty wants you well and healthy. Divine health is and always has been better than divine healing. Divine health was always God's plan for man. Whether you want to begin eating healthy or learn practical steps to finding your Bible cure, this eBooklet featuring the works of highly sought after Dr. Reginald Cherry will help you meet your health goals.

    Walk in divine health!

  • Lamb of God eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Lamb of God eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). With seasoned wisdom and timeless insight, Benny Hinn shares his years of study concerning God's plan for our salvation. In a sweeping panorama of mankind's time line from Genesis to Revelation comes an amazing story of the Savior.

    Yesterday, Today, and Forever!

  • Bible Foods That Heal eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Bible Foods That Heal eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Discover healing foods from the Bible that can bring profound healing to you! In times like these, it's more important than ever to turn to God’s Word. Our eBook reveals 10 powerful healing foods from the Bible to help boost your immune system, maintain your ideal weight, have abundant energy, and live a life of sustained health.

    Discover the Phenomenal Foods God has Given in His Word!

  • Breaking The Chains of The Past eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Breaking The Chains of The Past eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    One of the great messages of the Bible is that through Christ, old things are passed away and everything becomes new. As you will discover in this powerful eBook, everything begins on the inside, then your life is transformed. Your new adventure, as you leave the past behind for a bountiful future, begins now!

    Gain a New Self-Image in Christ!

  • Fruits Vegetables and Herbs - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Fruits, vegetables, and herbs are gifts from God. These miracle foods were given by God for a specific purpose—optimum energy, wellness, and power. They should be a large part of our balanced and healthy eating plan, yet studies show that 90 percent of people are not eating nearly enough each day. The results of that deficiency are obvious—epidemic obesity and skyrocketing diseases. You can experience a better, brighter, healthier future by eating life-giving, all-natural fruits, vegetables, and herbs daily.

    Discover These Miracle Foods

  • Going Deeper With The Holy Spirit ebook - back cover - benny hinn ministries Going Deeper With The Holy Spirit eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries.jpg
    Pastor Benny Hinn delights in sharing about the Holy Spirit and the profound effect He has had on his life. In this powerful eBook, Pastor Benny will take you deeper into knowing the wonderful third person of the Trinity and encourage you to know and experience a relationship with Him in new and glorious ways.

    Be Blessed by the Holy Spirit!

  • How To Pray For The Salvation Of Your Lost Loved Ones - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries How To Pray For The Salvation Of Your Lost Loved Ones - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Are you longing for your loved ones to accept Jesus as Savior? Do you have family members who haven’t received God’s promise of salvation? Don’t give up hope! God’s Word gives you authority to claim salvation for each lost loved one. He has placed a burden inside you for the salvation of your lost loved ones, God will also help you bring them to the foot of the cross.

    Claim the Lord's Blessing for Your Family!

  • How To Stay On Top When The Bottom Falls Out - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries How To Stay On Top When The Bottom Falls Out - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Today’s headlines scream the message that our world’s foundations are crumbling—finances, health, politics, society, families, religion, education—yet no one seems to have the answers. According to evangelist and media pioneer Rex Humbard, there is an answer to every challenge you face in this chaotic world. Learn how God's Word can give you victory in every area of your life.

    Claim your victory!

  • Medical Miracles Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Medical Miracles Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Be inspired by true medical miracles and learn how you can extend your life and take advantage of an innovative approach to total brain and body medicine. Read the real-life stories of people who have challenged life threatening illness and won! Discover for yourself that the key to your own fountain of youth is already available. Use these practical whole-body strategies to take control of your health and future.

    You Can Experience A Better, Healthier, and Longer Life!

  • Operating in the Miraculous eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Deep in the heart of every person lies a desire to discover their own unique purpose in life, yet many live out their years not knowing how to attain or accomplish that purpose. God’s intent is that you live a life full of victory and blessing, but His plan extends far beyond that. Christ told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, to cast of demons, and to lay hands on the sick and see them remover. Discover that your ordinary life can be extraordinarily filled with the miraculous power of God.

    God Wants to Use You in the Miraculous!

  • Prayer That Gets Results eBook - front cover - Benn Hinn Ministries
    Prayer that gets results is the greatest need in the church today! God Almighty wants to birth prayer in your heart. Prayer is the secret to both survival and success for anyone who seeks to walk in faith, power, and unshakable strength. Benny Hinn takes readers on a life-changing adventure in this inspirational eBook.

    Order this key to your survival!

  • Soul Winning Century Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Soul Winning Century Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Few people have touched more lives with the Gospel than Rex Humbard. A 1999 issue of U.S. News & World Report distinguished him as one of the top 25 “shapers of the American century.” The Saturday Evening Post wrote, “Putting God on Main Street has been the goal of this dedicated preacher for more than 60 years. Now, thanks to the electronic media, his ‘Main Street’ stretches from Ohio around the world.” In his candid, revealing memoir, The Soul-Winning Century, Rex Humbard traces his family’s legacy of soul winning that now spans the globe for the cause of Jesus Christ. You won't want to miss a page of this inspiring memoir.

    Be Drawn to Trust Christ

  • A Tradition of Taste Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries A Tradition of Taste Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    A Tradition of Taste takes you on an unforgettable tasting tour of the Middle East, rich in history and tradition! This eBook features many exotic dishes of Israel, including personal favorites of Pastor Benny Hinn’s own mother. Both experienced and novice cooks alike will enjoy preparing and serving these wholesome, easy-to-prepare dishes, including appetizers, soups, salads, vegetables, main courses, breads, desserts, and more.

    Cuisine from the Land of the Bible

  • Bible Foods for Life eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Bible Foods for Life eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Who better to provide dietary insight than our wonderful Lord? Promises of health and healing are found throughout the Bible. It is God's will for you to walk in divine health and a right relationship with Him, for only as you do will you experience abundant life. This is emphasized in the New Testament. "Beloved," reads 3 John 2, "I wish all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

    Healing and Health Belong to You!

  • The Wartime Sermons eBook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries The Wartime Sermons eBook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    The Wartime Sermons of Dr. Peter Marshall include many of his most sought-after messages delivered during World War II. Today, as we continue to face a war against global terrorism during the aftermath of September 11, 2001, these Wartime Sermons preached more than fifty years ago have never been more timely, appropriate, or desperately needed. This dynamic eBook of sermons and prayers should be kept near during these challenging times.

    Discover these sought-after messages

  • Total Recovery - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Total Recovery - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    What does it mean to experience Total Recovery? David knew, for in one of his toughest circumstances, he asked the Lord, “Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all” (1 Samuel 30:8). In this powerful teaching series, Pastor Benny Hinn uses the backdrop of David’s monumental defeats and struggles to reveal how you can recover all that has been stolen or lost. Through David’s example, you will learn these steps toward recovery—praise, prayer of agreement, pursuing the enemy, penetrating the enemy’s camp, and being a giver. Release God’s abundance into your life.

    Time to Discover His Total Recovery!

  • PATH To Wellness eBook - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries PATH To Wellness eBook - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Dr. Eric Braverman has carved out a new paradigm for today’s medicine, integrating conventional and alternative medicine while fulfilling an unmet medical need to merge neurology, psychiatry, internal medicine, and nutrition. In this comprehensive eBook, Dr. Eric Braverman, provides clear diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for people of all ages with a desire for building longevity and maximum health.

    Balance Your Mind, Body and Spirit!

  • Maximum Health Ebook - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Maximum Health Ebook - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    What would you do to have great health regardless of the latest diseases, epidemics, and pandemics? Dr. Ted Broer has spent decades developing his Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy program and has changed people's lives by teaching them how to develop great habits while eliminating bad ones. Armed with decades of research, Dr. Broer offers the 20 best strategies gleaned and utilized during his decades of study and practice.

    Live Longer, Live Healthier!

  • Operating in the Anointing - Benny Hinn Ministries Operating in the Anointing- Benny Hinn Ministries

    Operating in the Anointing

    In this urgently needed inspirational study on the operation of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, discover how you can enter a deeper walk with the Holy Spirit. Discover powerful insights into the power and increase of the anointing, how to protect the anointing, seven results of the anointing, the transfer of the anointing, the anointing as it relates to ministry, purposes of the anointing, restrictions for leaders, biblical results of the anointing, and the double-portion anointing.

    Download this powerful series now!

  • Divine Healing - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Divine Healing - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Divine Healing

    This comprehensive, remarkable series is based on Pastor Benny’s own testimony, his personal study of God’s Word, and his firsthand knowledge gleaned from over thirty years of miracle-filled ministry. In each session, he shares scripture after scripture reflecting God’s will for all believers to live in an anointed atmosphere of healing and health. Get ready to be inspired and enriched as you get to know Jesus Christ the Healer as you have never experienced Him before!

    Discover God’s Desire For Healing!

  • Deliverance from Demons - Back Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Deliverance from Demons - Front Cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Deliverance from Demons

    The Bible depicts the devil and his demons as cunning creatures of incredible power whose primary goal is to kill, steal, and destroy us. Now, in these ground-breaking Benny Hinn School of Ministry class sessions, Pastor Benny Hinn offers clear-cut principles to help you recognize and defeat the enemies of your soul.  The power to defeat the enemy does not rest in your strength but comes from the Lord.

    Prepare for Spiritual Battle Now!

  • Gods Seven Covenants - Back Cover - Benny Hinn School of Ministry Gods Seven Covenants - Front Cover - Benny Hinn School of Ministry
    In this comprehensive study of God's 7 covenants in the Bible, Pastor Benny Hinn, he begins by highlighting the three dimensions of the anointing, including the anointing for salvation, the priestly anointing for ministry, and the kingly anointing for dominion. Delving into the 7 covenants of the Bible in order, he explores the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, New, and Everlasting Covenants. “Every covenant promises power,” he explained.

    Download this teaching today!

  • The Anointed and Empowered Life - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries The Anointed and Empowered Life - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries
    Did you know that you can live an anointed and empowered life today. Ephesians 6:18 exhorts believers to be: “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” In this audio teaching from the Benny Hinn School of Ministry, Pastor Benny presents the foundations for the Christian faith.

    Begin your journey now!

  • Blood in the Sand - back cover - Benny Hinn Ministries Blood in the Sand - front cover - Benny Hinn Ministries

    Blood in the Sand – Softcover

    Suggested Price: $25.00
    The Arab-Israeli conflict makes daily headlines, but few understand the history behind the struggle. In Blood in the Sand, Benny Hinn takes you deep inside the region—the history, politics, and religions—to show you what is happening there and, more importantly, why. Drawing from his deep history in the area, his personal relationships with top Israeli and Arab leaders, and his biblical scholarship, he answers critical questions such as: How did we get into this tragic situation? What are the dangers? What does the Bible say about the future.

    Order your copy today!

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      This book will answer all of your questions about the anointing. It will prepare you to experience the precious touch of God on everything you do. How can some ministers whose personal and spiritual lives are dried up and in shambles still operate in the anointing and continue to minister with power? Pastor Benny Hinn asked this question during a season of personal trial, and his quest led him to an in-depth understanding of the three "rivers," or types, of anointing in Scripture: 1 John 2:27 (the anointing within you); Acts 1:8 (the anointing upon you); and Isaiah 10 (a global anointing related to building up and destroying nations).
  • Pastor Benny Hinn Casual Portrait

    Open Your Eyes to the Power of the Blood of Jesus

    In today's chaotic world, we desperately need the blood of Jesus in our lives! Renowned author and Bible teacher Benny Hinn explains how to find supernatural grace, protection, and mercy in his best-selling book The Blood.

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