In 1 Corinthians 12, Pastor Benny points to verse 7—“the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.” The nine spiritual gifts were poured out for the advancement of Christianity and the edification of believers. We are told to “covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way” (verse 31).
The “love chapter” is one of the most-read and most-memorized of all passages of Scripture, and for good reason. In this brief portion of Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he pens life-changing principles on the subject of love and charity. The depth of spiritual insight, profound logic, and supernatural understanding of God’s kingdom shines through in this letter.
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This teaching highlight's Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth as the apostle addresses the issues of tongues and prophecy. The church was founded by Paul on his second missionary journey, but it had become influenced by the evils that surrounded it in a sinful city. In the midst of the first Corinthian epistle comes the clear teaching of maintaining proper order in public assemblies as Paul deals with these issues that continue to cause controversy and misunderstanding today.
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The fifteenth chapter of the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church is a wonderful passage! In it, he proves the resurrection of Christ from the dead, answers all those who deny His resurrection, and then talks about the resurrection of believers to eternal life. Jesus Christ will return for His church, but until then we must be diligent in His work according (1 Corinthians 15:57-58)!
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The church at Corinth was founded by the apostle Paul on his second missionary journey, but it had become influenced more and more by the sins of the region. This teaching focuses on the second chapter of that letter, offering specific lessons to live every day as believers with our lives centered on Christ.
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Corinth was a resort city and a Roman center for the pursuit of intellectualism and sensual pleasure. The apostle Paul spoke directly to the problems that Christians faced in such a hedonistic center. In Chapter 3 of 1 Corinthians, learn how Paul pointedly addresses the difference between pursuing the wisdom and pleasure of men, and a life that seeks the hidden wisdom which is revealed by the Holy Spirit.
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Pastor Benny Hinn says, “I never cease to be amazed how every word of this chapter seems written for us today, just as it was for first-century believers.” In chapter 4: “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (verse 2) and “The kingdom of God is not in word, but in power” (verse 20). Understanding these truths should embolden us to rise above our struggles as we move into greater victories and deeper spiritual growth!
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In 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, we see the apostle Paul discussing the constant need for dealing with our old nature. Pastor Benny Hinn says, “I have said many times in my teaching that Paul’s letter to the Corinthians has so deeply impacted me and people all around the globe for the way it explains how God has dealt with men and women through the centuries!”
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Thank God for the victory over sin. And thank God for verses 19-20 from 1 Corinthians: “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.”
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The apostle Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gave an amazing revelation for people. He wrote, “Ye are bought with a price” (verse 23). All believers should understand that Christ has paid the dearest price and has a much fuller claim to the believer than any other thing. Knowing that fact alone should make the believer a better spouse, parent, worker, and friend.
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Chapter 8 of 1 Corinthians was written during one of history’s most pivotal times. In spite of the opposition and misunderstanding he faced, the apostle Paul penned the words that sets the Christian faith apart from any other religious in the world. Paul considered his calling as a minister of the Gospel to be a great honor and privilege.
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The apostle Paul writes about the glorious prize ahead of us—an incorruptible crown. He compares believers to the runners and combatants who were well known and accepted by all Corinthians: "Know you not that those who run in a race run all, but one obtaineth the prize?” (verse 24). May each of us run the race of life with supernatural patience and strength. May we keep our goal—eternity in heaven—clearly in front of us.
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The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians is the only one of his epistles sent to a group of churches throughout Asia Minor. It is important to notice that he wrote to people who were controlled by the past and the curse of sin. The Holy Spirit-inspired words touch the most important needs of all people throughout the ages as Paul issues a call to a fresh, daily walk with the Holy Spirit’s power. Rediscover the Book of Galatians, verse-by-verse.
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In Galatians, chapter 2, Paul looked at the hesitant Galatians, and it seems apparent that he was perplexed at their willingness to listen to false teaching of that day. His letter to the church in Galatia shows an earnest concern for their wavering faith. There are so many similarities to our world today.
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Even though the letter to the church in Galatia was written nineteen centuries ago, every word seems relevant to so much of the body of Christ today. I especially love how the Apostle Paul expresses his hope for the believers to join together in faith as they grow in grace. Galatians, chapter 3, will quicken your faith!
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I can’t imagine a more exciting time to serve the Savior, and Galatians is one of the most appropriate books of the Bible to read during these amazing, historic days. This month I’m continuing with the study of the letter written by the apostle Paul, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to people who were apparently falling back into snares, which is why readers were told: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1).
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This teaching on Galatians, Chapter 5, covers specific lessons in how to live every day as believers in Christ. God expects maturity and depth. Our flesh craves just the opposite. The only way to grow in faith is to apply His Word and seek His daily anointing: “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25).
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I never cease to be amazed how every word seems written to us today, just as much as to the church in Galatia. Oh, that we can say with the Apostle Paul, “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:14). Imagine what went into those words—the years of struggles, seeming defeats, stunning victories, and deep spiritual growth.
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Paul’s letter to the Romans, one of the most wonderful books of the Bible, was written during the prime years of his ministry and was addressed to the church in the city commonly acknowledged as the center of influence and power for the whole world. The depth of spiritual insight, profound logic, and supernatural understanding of God’s kingdom shines through in this letter!
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The presence and power that fell on the Day of Pentecost is available today, so get your Bible and notebook and prepare to receive eternal truth from this series that will empower and equip you for spiritual warfare and anointed ministry. Acts 2:38 declares, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
Receive Eternal Truth!
With a background of instrumental medleys, Benny Hinn shares healing promises from throughout the Scriptures to help you enter into an atmosphere of healing. Trust the Lord to touch you as you hear His inspired Word and allow His anointing to flow through you, bringing healing to your spirit, soul, and body. May your spirit be lifted into the presence of the Lord as you listen to these inspirational songs and scriptures, enabling you to dwell in the Lord’s presence and to receive your healing. Download this inspirational teaching today.
Lift Your Spirit Into the Presence of the Lord!
In this teaching from a Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade in Jacksonville, Pastor Benny Hinn shares one of the most power-packed, faith-building messages from the Book of Matthew. He follows the unfolding earthly ministry of Jesus, demonstrating time after time in God’s Word how the Lord consistently healed all who came to Him with sickness and disease. Discover why Jesus Christ healed all, and how healing comes from the same work on Calvary that offers forgiveness to all.
He Desires To Heal All!
Have you ever imagined what heaven will be like? Get ready for this life-changing teaching that will have you longing for your everlasting home. The Book of Revelation, where our future home is described teaches us of the twelve gates of pearl, foundations of precious stones, a city of pure gold, and so much more. Be inspired with new confidence and excitement about your eternal home.
God Has An Incredible Place Prepared For Us!
In this powerful teaching, Pastor Benny Hinn uses the illustration of the Rich Man and Lazurus as a dramatic, eternal background for this classic teaching which includes what hell is, what takes place there, who inhabits it, who will be added, and—most importantly—how you and your loved ones can avoid this place of lasting torment. Pastor Benny says, Hundreds of prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled in the most amazing ways, so it is safe to say that everything taught in the Old and New Testaments about hell will come true, as well. What we do with this information will determine the eternal destination for souls that are precious to each of us.
Reaching Your Loved Ones For Jesus Christ!
We find lessons throughout the Bible that the laying on of hands was important and it is just as important today. In this remarkable teaching, Pastor Benny Hinn cites Genesis 14, which tells about Jacob, who laid hands on Joseph’s youngest and oldest sons, releasing the inheritance of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on them. Pastor Benny goes on to explain what we can learn from that biblical example. Let this ground-breaking teaching on impartation through the laying on of hands bring you victory, deliverance and healing through the Spirit!
The Impartation of the Spirit for Today!
The Lord Jesus gave us a pattern by which to pray so that we might experience the incredible power of God in our lives. Pastor Benny helps you understand the proper way to pray, the revealed and the secret will of God, how not to lose God's blessing, your responsibility to God and much more. By properly applying the Lord's Prayer in your life, you will receive abundant blessings from God. This teaching and accompanying study guide will help you draw nearer to the Lord and challenge you to new growth as you learn to pray in the manner Jesus outlined.
Apply the Lord's Prayer in Your Life!
Pastor Benny presents the Master's Healing Touch series of instrumental favorites. These medleys of familiar songs on healing, worship and adoration are hand-picked to draw you closer to our Lord Jesus. Allow His presence to touch you today as you experience The Master's Healing Touch!
Download these favorites now!
Volume 2 in this series of instrumental medleys features songs on healing, worship and adoration. Many of these selections are personal favorites and hand-picked by Pastor Benny Hinn. If you need a word from Him today, The Master's Healing Touch, Vol. 2 will speak to you.
Download these 25 inspirational hymns
Pastor Benny presents the 3rd volume of the Master’s Healing Touch series of instrumental favorites. These medleys of familiar songs on healing, worship and adoration are hand-picked to draw you closer to our Lord Jesus. Allow His presence to touch you today as you experience The Master’s Healing Touch.
Download these favorites now!
During the Lord’s earthly ministry, when He saw the multitudes He was always “moved with compassion toward them, and be healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14). And today, He is still the same merciful, compassionate, and faithful High Priest. Pastor Benny Hinn shares, "God’s mercy is an ocean of compassion, ready to be poured out upon all the earth! Jesus is alive and reaching out His hands toward you with tender mercy."
Fill Your Heart with Compassion!
Pastor Benny Hinn teaches in this amazing teaching, citing his own experience as a young man in Canada, “and when you get to know the Holy Spirit, He will birth within you such a hunger!” Included in this amazing series are highlights that include a historical, panoramic view of the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, as well as the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This study focuses on a revealing comparison of the differences between God’s presence and power and how God desires to transform you through His presence.
Receive The Power Of God!
Sharing scripture after scripture that reveals the various times people prophesied and the circumstances surrounding the events, Pastor Benny Hinn explains the gifts of the Spirit, breaking them into three categories: revelation gifts, vocal gifts, and power gifts. When it comes to prophecy, you must realize that it is vital, you must release your faith, and you must learn to operate in the anointing by releasing your faith through praise and worship. When that happens among believers, the prophetic is going to erupt.
God Pours Out His Spirit Upon Believers
The traditions surrounding the celebration of Christmas enrich all of us, and I think the music of the season is an immediate and meaningful way of expressing the joy of Jesus's birth. I hope this musical compilation will increase your enjoyment as your accomplish your "to do" list -- addressing Christmas cards, wrapping gifts and participating in church celebrations.
Get in the Christmas spirit today!
Under the Old Covenant, the Tabernacle served as God’s dwelling place, a holy habitation filled with symbolism that Pastor Benny brings to life as he carefully outlines how the entire message of the Gospel is revealed in the materials and specific details of the Tabernacle. Discover how these illustrated principles can help you experience a deeper and more dynamic walk with the Lord each day. Learn how your life can become a sanctuary and holy habitation for God's presence to dwell and abide!
Download the Tabernacle Now!
Pastor Benny Hinn teaches, “When Jesus Christ commanded us to ‘Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15), He entrusted us with taking the message of salvation to the ends of the earth. He also counted us worthy as He gave us the greatest privilege ever given to human beings. He did not give this privilege to the holy angels. He gave this holy privilege to you and to me! If we truly love Him, we cannot say no to His command. The preaching of the Gospel is a sacrificial act, but I believe those who will say yes to Him, those who die to self, will experience such glory that no tongue on earth can describe it.”
Receive the Fullness of God's Presence
Get ready for your life to change with this teaching series from Pastor Benny Hinn on the three dimensions of anointing. Jesus Christ was given anointing and power without measure. As Christians, we, too, have been promised a new anointing. Along with exploring the three dimensions, Pastor Benny also discusses the seven covenants of the Bible—explaining that every covenant has promise, terms, blood, and a seal. God Almighty is sending a new anointing upon His people.
Let God Exceed Your Expectations!
En estos días históricos de cambios alrededor del mundo, Pastor Benny Hinn continúa señalando la necesidad de un enfoque en el significado transformador de la cruz, especialmente en un tiempo cuando tantas personas rechazan la importancia de ese mensaje. En esta poderosa enseñanza, Pastor Benny comparte que la cruz de Jesucristo representa oprobio, debilidad, y muerte. Permita que esta enseñanza maravillosa le muestre como usted puede dejar atrás la vida de debilidad y pecado, y ser levantado por la cruz a una vida fructífera y empoderada.
El Camino del Calvario hacia la Gloria
A lo largo de la Biblia se nos dan 540 ejemplos de alabanza y adoración. Obviamente, la adoración a través de la música es absolutamente vital para la relación de un creyente con Dios, pero hay mucho más para entender lo que realmente es la adoración, lo que puede hacer en la vida de un creyente y cómo entrar en una adoración profunda y significativa. Pastor Benny Hinn dice: “Es mi oración al pasar por esta enseñanza que ustedes se inspirarán, más que nunca, a adorar al Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores en toda Su majestad!
Entra En Una Adoración Profunda!
Los apóstoles del Nuevo Testamento recibieron el bautismo del Espíritu Santo y sus vidas guiadas por el Espíritu y las oraciones estremecieron el mundo conocido, transformaron a los perdidos y trajeron nuevo nacimiento a todos los que recibieron a Jesucristo. En esta notable serie de enseñanza, el pastor Benny Hinn comparte: “Debemos venir al Señor Jesús y recibirlo como Salvador. Pero conocerlo como el Cristo externo no es suficiente. Debemos conocerlo como el Cristo que mora en nosotros, que habita en nuestros corazones por el Espíritu Santo".
Debemos Venir Al Señor Jesús!
Aunque las economías del mundo pasan tiempos de dificultades, usted no tiene que buscar fórmulas de soluciones temporarias. Dios le ha llamado a caminar con El en una relación de pacto que le ofrece una herencia eterna para su vida ahora y siempre. Estamos en camino hacia los días cuando Dios va a establecer Su Pacto! Una transferencia gloriosa de riquezas está en camino! Dios está a punto de derramar su abundancia en sus manos, de la misma manera que lo hizo con Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, José, los hijos de Israel, y Salomón. Y usted es próximo. Este listo para prosperar sobrenaturalmente en los venideros tiempos de crisis económica!
Descubra Provisión Sobrenatural!
El poder de la oración puede cambiar tu vida, tu familia y el mundo, pero la falta de oración es una gigantesca barrera. Descubre por ti mismo la difícil situación de aquellos que no oran, cómo sacudir el polvo de la falta de oración y cómo pasar a la oración predominante, frecuente, constante, persuasiva, permanente y eficaz. El Pastor Benny Hinn dice: “Superar la falta de oración es una lección que debemos aprender para cumplir la Gran Comisión y hacer todo lo que Él quiere que hagamos hoy”.
El Poder de la Oración Puede Cambiar Tu Vida!
Cada lugar de prominencia representa las grandes veredas de la vida por las que Dios requiere que pasemos antes de ser efectivamente usados por El. “Cada temporada en la vida del creyente inicia y termina en Jordán, y hay tres pruebas en cada temporada: las pruebas de la Fe, la rendición, y las capacidades de guerra. Y cada temporada también tiene cuatro lugares que se repiten en cada temporada de su vida. En cada lugar usted puede hacer una petición que cambiaría su destino. Es mi oración que usted va a descubrir una nueva visión y asegurar su victoria mientras escucha esta audio enseñanza!
Cuatro lugares, Cuatro Temporadas, Tres Pruebas.
Pastor Benny Hinn enseña, “Cuando Jesus nos ordenó a ‘ir por todo el mundo y predicad en evangelio a toda criatura’ (Marcos 16:15), Él nos encargó con llevar en mensaje de salvación a los confines de la tierra. Él también nos contó dignos al darnos en privilegio más alto dado a seres humanos. El no dio este privilegio a los santos ángeles. El dio este santo privilegio a usted y a mí! Si en verdad lo amamos a Él, no podemos decir no a su mandamiento. Y de la manera que El dio su vida por nosotros, así debemos estar dispuestos a dar nuestra vida por El para otros. Su llamado le costó todo. Que estamos usted y yo dispuestos a pagar, y que estamos dispuestos a hacer?
El Llamado a Acción es Urgente!
Este dinámico estudio del carácter de la vida de David revela lo que lo convirtió en un gran líder, un hombre según el corazón de Dios. Descubre cómo ser armado y peligroso para los gigantes espirituales, cómo experimentar una unción real, y lo que debes hacer para evitar las trampas de la realeza espiritual. Toda la vida de David, de principio a fin, es una revelación vibrante, más que nunca.
Para Los Creyentes De Hoy!
Como líder de los israelitas, ganó una victoria decisiva sobre un ejército madianita a pesar de una gran desventaja numérica, liderando una tropa de 300 hombres valientes, como se relata en Jueces 6-8. Durante este revelador estudio de personajes, Pastor Benny Hinn comparte lo que se necesita para ser un poderoso guerrero y una persona de valor. Las lecciones que aprenderán son aún más poderosas que la fatídica noche en que los soldados tocaron sus trompetas, sonaron el grito de batalla, encendieron sus antorchas y vieron cómo todo un ejército huía.
Gedeon era un Lider Militar, Juez y Profeta!
“Usted recibe el poder de Dios cuando usted conoce al Espíritu Santo!” Pastor Benny enseña en esta maravillosa serie, citando su propia experiencia en Canadá durante su juventud. “Y cuando usted conoce al Espíritu Santo, El hará nacer en usted hambre que cambiara su vida.” En esta maravillosa serie usted encontrara lo siguiente: Una vista panorámica de la Trinidad – Dios el Padre, Dios el Hijo, y Dios el Espíritu Santo. La Persona y obra del Espíritu Santo. Una reveladora comparación de las diferencias entre la presencia y el poder de Dios. Como Dios desea transformarnos atraves de su presencia.
“El Espíritu Santo es una Persona, Con Intelecto, Voluntad, y Emociones"
Los dones del Espíritu son diferentes al fruto del Espíritu. Los dones, por definición, son dados por el Espíritu, mientras que el fruto es producido por el Espíritu en el creyente. Somos llamados a llevar fruto. Esto requiere dejar el pecado y permitir que el Espíritu Santo obre en nosotros. Cuando usted le pide que llegue a usted y llene su vida, usted puede comenzar a recibir todo lo que el Señor tiene para usted. Es tiempo!
Nuestro Señor Jesus Espera Nada Más!
Un hogar bueno debe ser creado y edificado sobre un fundamento sólido. No solo se trata de casarse con el compañero correcto y de tener los hijos correctos; se trata de convertirse en el compañero y padre correcto. La presión familiar para aquellos que están en el ministerio es especialmente desafiante. Casarse es uno de los eventos más importantes en la vida, pero la vida marital y familiar después de la boda puede envolver muchas dificultades psicológicas y biológicas, algunas llevando el hogar al punto de la ruptura. Descubra las tensiones del desacuerdo marital y los principios para garantizar un matrimonio y una familia feliz y duradera.
Éxito En El Matrimonio y En La Familia no es Automático