El poder de la oración puede cambiar tu vida, tu familia y el mundo, pero la falta de oración es una gigantesca barrera. Descubre por ti mismo la difícil situación de aquellos que no oran, cómo sacudir el polvo de la falta de oración y cómo pasar a la oración predominante, frecuente, constante, persuasiva, permanente y eficaz. El Pastor Benny Hinn dice: “Superar la falta de oración es una lección que debemos aprender para cumplir la Gran Comisión y hacer todo lo que Él quiere que hagamos hoy”.
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: The Plight of The Prayerless is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 25 minute sermon on how prayerlessness affects and afflicts one's life, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.
Download This Audio Teaching Today!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: The Year of Jubilee is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 65 minute sermon on the importance of prayer, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available.
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Awake & Stir Thyself To Pray is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 45 minute sermon on the importance of prayer and how to pray effectively, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in almost 30 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available.
The Lord Jesus gave us a pattern by which to pray so that we might experience the incredible power of God in our lives. Pastor Benny helps you understand the proper way to pray, the revealed and the secret will of God, how not to lose God's blessing, your responsibility to God and much more. By properly applying the Lord's Prayer in your life, you will receive abundant blessings from God. This teaching and accompanying study guide will help you draw nearer to the Lord and challenge you to new growth as you learn to pray in the manner Jesus outlined.
Apply the Lord's Prayer in Your Life!
Kathryn Kuhlman touched her generation for Jesus Christ in a way few have done before or since. God used her mightily to minster His restoring restoring and healing power to millions throughout the world through her meetings and broadcasts. To non-Christians sickened with sin, she taught salvation through Jesus Christ. To people struggling with spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges, she introduced a God of miracles.
An Anointed Glimpse From Yesteryear
Using poignant memories from beginnings that led to his worldwide ministry. Pastor Benny Hinn candidly shares about his increasingly deep steps of commitment to seeking God with his whole heart. Filled with fresh insight, this powerful audio teaching offers practical, step-by-step instructions to believers intent on becoming a highly effective prayer warrior.
Experience Life-Changing Prayer!
Are you longing for your loved ones to accept Jesus as Savior? Do you have family members who haven’t received God’s promise of salvation? Don’t give up hope! God’s Word gives you authority to claim salvation for each lost loved one. He has placed a burden inside you for the salvation of your lost loved ones, God will also help you bring them to the foot of the cross.
Claim the Lord's Blessing for Your Family!
Are you desperate for an answer to your prayers? Do you need to hear from God regarding a special need in your life? Discover how you can empower your prayers and infuse God’s power into your life in extraordinary ways. Pastor Benny Hinn shares biblical keys and dynamic insights on the importance of joining prayer with fasting for a focus that more fully releases the power that is available to every believer.
See God's Power Released!
Scriptures refer to two types of prayer: praying in the Spirit and praying with the Spirit. Understanding the difference will empower your prayer time. Prayer is a partnership with the Spirit of the Lord, and it releases the Holy Spirit to do His work through you. Satan fears a praying saint, for he is defeated through prayer. All the powers of hell cannot stop a believer on his knees who prays with and in the Holy Spirit. True prayer is born out of relationship and must be a priority.
Release the Spirit Through Your Prayers
Do you long to know God and have His presence on your life? Do you desire an intimate relationship with Him? Prayer is key! Learn how to experience intimacy with the Father through prayer. Through personal example, experience and Biblical truth, you can step into a new dimension in prayer.
Download this Classic Teaching!