Believers are at war! And the Bible makes it clear that our foes are not of this world. The power to subdue and defeat the enemy does not rest in your strength but comes from the Lord. Preparation for battle against spiritual wickedness requires supernatural understanding of kingdom principles. Get ready now for your own battle “against the rulers of the darkness of this world.
Prepare for Spiritual Battles!
Cada lugar de prominencia representa las grandes veredas de la vida por las que Dios requiere que pasemos antes de ser efectivamente usados por El. “Cada temporada en la vida del creyente inicia y termina en Jordán, y hay tres pruebas en cada temporada: las pruebas de la Fe, la rendición, y las capacidades de guerra. Y cada temporada también tiene cuatro lugares que se repiten en cada temporada de su vida. En cada lugar usted puede hacer una petición que cambiaría su destino. Es mi oración que usted va a descubrir una nueva visión y asegurar su victoria mientras escucha esta audio enseñanza!
Cuatro lugares, Cuatro Temporadas, Tres Pruebas.
El poder de la oración puede cambiar tu vida, tu familia y el mundo, pero la falta de oración es una gigantesca barrera. Descubre por ti mismo la difícil situación de aquellos que no oran, cómo sacudir el polvo de la falta de oración y cómo pasar a la oración predominante, frecuente, constante, persuasiva, permanente y eficaz. El Pastor Benny Hinn dice: “Superar la falta de oración es una lección que debemos aprender para cumplir la Gran Comisión y hacer todo lo que Él quiere que hagamos hoy”.
El Poder de la Oración Puede Cambiar Tu Vida!
Aunque las economías del mundo pasan tiempos de dificultades, usted no tiene que buscar fórmulas de soluciones temporarias. Dios le ha llamado a caminar con El en una relación de pacto que le ofrece una herencia eterna para su vida ahora y siempre. Estamos en camino hacia los días cuando Dios va a establecer Su Pacto! Una transferencia gloriosa de riquezas está en camino! Dios está a punto de derramar su abundancia en sus manos, de la misma manera que lo hizo con Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, José, los hijos de Israel, y Salomón. Y usted es próximo. Este listo para prosperar sobrenaturalmente en los venideros tiempos de crisis económica!
Descubra Provisión Sobrenatural!
Los apóstoles del Nuevo Testamento recibieron el bautismo del Espíritu Santo y sus vidas guiadas por el Espíritu y las oraciones estremecieron el mundo conocido, transformaron a los perdidos y trajeron nuevo nacimiento a todos los que recibieron a Jesucristo. En esta notable serie de enseñanza, el pastor Benny Hinn comparte: “Debemos venir al Señor Jesús y recibirlo como Salvador. Pero conocerlo como el Cristo externo no es suficiente. Debemos conocerlo como el Cristo que mora en nosotros, que habita en nuestros corazones por el Espíritu Santo".
Debemos Venir Al Señor Jesús!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: The Character of The Holy Spirit is a classic teaching from 1996 that features a 53 minute detailed sermon on the nature of the Holy Spirit, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in over 20 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available!
The mighty Word of God declares, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2). God's Word is clear—it is His will for your to walk in liberty. Yet, so many dear Christians are still bound. Have you ever asked yourself, "What keeps my soul from prospering? And how can I be free?" There is a dam that holds back the prosperity of your soul and a wall that keeps the river of living water from washing over you. It is time to be released from the flesh and stronghold of the enemy.
Liberty and total deliverance belongs to you!
These beautiful songs of God’s love and healing, from locations throughout Israel, feature the unmistakably fresh and anointed sound of the youthful Benny Hinn Voices under the direction of Greg Wiggins. Experience the exciting collection from this special new group as they share the wondrous story of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join in this powerful worship and be ushered into His presence as you behold Him as Savior and Healer.
Order Your Copy Today!
From the archives of Benny Hinn Ministries: Awake & Stir Thyself To Pray is a classic teaching from 1996 that features 45 minute sermon on the importance of prayer and how to pray effectively, and is part of a very special release of rare Ministry archives that have not been released in almost 30 years.
Download this precious audio while it is still available.
A lo largo de la Biblia se nos dan 540 ejemplos de alabanza y adoración. Obviamente, la adoración a través de la música es absolutamente vital para la relación de un creyente con Dios, pero hay mucho más para entender lo que realmente es la adoración, lo que puede hacer en la vida de un creyente y cómo entrar en una adoración profunda y significativa. Pastor Benny Hinn dice: “Es mi oración al pasar por esta enseñanza que ustedes se inspirarán, más que nunca, a adorar al Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores en toda Su majestad!
Entra En Una Adoración Profunda!
En estos días históricos de cambios alrededor del mundo, Pastor Benny Hinn continúa señalando la necesidad de un enfoque en el significado transformador de la cruz, especialmente en un tiempo cuando tantas personas rechazan la importancia de ese mensaje. En esta poderosa enseñanza, Pastor Benny comparte que la cruz de Jesucristo representa oprobio, debilidad, y muerte. Permita que esta enseñanza maravillosa le muestre como usted puede dejar atrás la vida de debilidad y pecado, y ser levantado por la cruz a una vida fructífera y empoderada.
El Camino del Calvario hacia la Gloria
When the first collection of A Treasury of Hymns was released, it was so well received that it quickly became apparent that the first collection was just the beginning. In volume 2, your favorite worship music coupled with London Symphony Orchestra and Choir will take your worship to another level.
Request Your Copy Now!
Worship is vital to a believer’s relationship with God! Now, in this once-in-a-lifetime collection of magnificent music, you will enjoy the thrilling, timeless selection of the world’s finest praise and worship recordings. This compilation features legendary composer and arranger Ralph Carmichael and the London Symphony Orchestra and Choir. You and your loved ones will cherish the memorable sounds of this majestic music!
Request Your Copy Now!
This instrumental collection of classic hymns of praise and worship music proclaims God's majesty and glory in orchestrated grandeur. This ensemble has not been released to the public in over 20 years and is part of the Benny Hinn Ministries archives. Order your copy while it is still available!
Transform Your Worship Now!
Pastor Benny Hinn personally selected this collection of favorite hymns about Heaven with his partners and ministry friends in mind. This majestic music will cause you to long for your everlasting abode and all the glories revealed in Scriptures such as John 14 that await you and your loved ones. Says Pastor Benny, “What a blessed hope we have! May God use these precious songs to warm your heart and draw you closer to Him as you look longingly toward your heavenly home!”
Download Your Copy Now.
What does it mean to experience total recovery and restoration? David knew, for in one of his toughest circumstances, he asked the Lord, "Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all" (1 Samuel 30:8) God wants to bring you recovery from distress, debt and discontent with seven specific keys. Move into a new dimension of faith, blessing and abundance with this powerful teaching!
Claim Your God-Given Destiny!
Using poignant memories from beginnings that led to his worldwide ministry. Pastor Benny Hinn candidly shares about his increasingly deep steps of commitment to seeking God with his whole heart. Filled with fresh insight, this powerful audio teaching offers practical, step-by-step instructions to believers intent on becoming a highly effective prayer warrior.
Experience Life-Changing Prayer!
We are living in a prophetic hour. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. We must be aware of what is happening. We must be able to know where we are on God’s timeline. And as the time of His return approaches, we must realize that the cry of heaven for souls, souls, souls continues to intensify. Even as darkness increasingly covers our earth, an unprecedented revival is beginning. As we arise, shine, and allow the glory of the Lord to touch and transform our lives, His attributes, His presence, and His person will shine through us during the coming days!
The Signs Are Everywhere!
Do you need total recovery in your life? See your faith lifted to the heavens as you discover what can bring deliverance from distress, debt, and discontent in your life. Over three thousand years after King David's reign as the greatest leader of Israel, we're still benefiting from the lessons he learned as a young man. Surrounded by trouble, his group even talked of stoning him (1 Samuel 22). But in 1 Samuel 30 we read an amazing story of restoration, joy, and abundance. The five keys that helped David can also make a difference for you.
You Can Recover All!
In this in-depth study from Pastor Benny, discover the three powerful lessons of the revelations of faith: The Gift of Faith, The Fruit of Faith and the The Measure of Faith. The scripture tells us that all things are possible to him who believes. We find through faith the things are possible to God are made possible to men. Faith then is the channel that makes God's possibilities to us. Faith is the vechicle—a channel that enables God's possibilities to become ours!
All Things Are Possible with God!