Today’s Key Scripture
“Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.”
— Isaiah 6:5
Once we begin to experience prayer in depth and persistence, seeking the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength, then these glorious results will begin to be revealed in our life. Above all, we will discover that prayer will reveal our true heart and true nature. This is a major step to effective prayers.
In Isaiah 6, the prophet saw the Lord sitting upon His throne, high and lifted up. While in prayer, Isaiah saw the Lord in His glory, and when the prophet heard the seraphim cry, “Holy, holy, holy,” it was at that moment that he also saw his own uncleanness and that he was surrounded on earth by unclean people.
It was because of prayer that God revealed Isaiah to Isaiah himself, for prayer is like a mirror. As we pray, God will reveal to our heart our sins and weaknesses in order that we might cry, “Woe is me!” and experience God’s power that will purge us, transform us, and begin to make us more like God Himself.
Only prayer and intimate communion with God have the power to reveal what your true heart and nature is. Only persistent, persevering prayer causes you to look to Him for deliverance and cleansing.
A Prayer for Today
Father, thank You for seeing past my sinfulness and uncleanness. Thank You for the work You have already done through me as I seek to live a life of purity, praise, and thanksgiving. I choose to go deeper with You. Help me learn the realms of asking, seeking, knocking, and persistence. You alone are my Hope, my Refuge, my Safety, and my Lord. I submit my will to You today. Help me remember that You always know best. And I pray this, with deep gratitude in my heart, in Jesus’ precious name, amen.
*All references NKJV unless otherwise noted.
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