My Heartfelt Thanks to You!
Dear Partner,
I want to take this opportunity to send my fondest greetings and express thankfulness for all God is doing in our lives. We are told, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever!” (Psalm 107:1).
Because of God’s faithfulness, we are blessed today, and we also have the promise of being blessed forever!
The holiday season is traditionally a time to share meaningful moments with loved ones, and I want to be one of the first to send my own well-wishes and prayers for you during these busy and blessed days. I am praying that you will “let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
I am so very grateful for you, and on behalf of the Hinn family and the Benny Hinn Ministries staff, I want to thank you for standing with us this year through your prayers and generous love gifts. Because of you, millions have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, some for the very first time. Praise God for the great victories we have shared together!
I appreciate your partnership more than mere words can describe. May God bless you during the coming days with love, favor, protection, abundance, and an atmosphere of thankfulness!
With sincere thanksgiving for you,