Today’s Key Scripture  

“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

— Acts 1:8

Can you imagine the victory that is coming to those who are empowered by God and walking closely with Him every day?

Look at your hands. One day they will be an extension of God. Full power and anointing will flow out of your hands. The oppressed will he delivered. The sick will recover.

When the promised fullness comes, you will see the body of Christ demonstrate incredible boldness. So great will be the power of God on you that angels will come to fight your enemies. Herod tried to destroy Peter. But who killed Herod? The Bible says, “An angel of the Lord struck him” (Acts 12:23)

We need to know that the power of God is without limit in those who believe, pray, commune, and stand in faith with Him.

The day is also coming when Psalm 2:8 will be fulfilled before our eyes: “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.” People will come to the Lord in numbers beyond our imagination!

Hospital visitation can be a thing of the past. Cancer can be conquered. We will see people raised from the dead. Satan, however, will do everything in his power to stop the anointing on your life. But as Martin Luther said, “Ignore him—he’s just the devil!”


A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, help me to be victorious in You. Help me to be persistent, even as I abide in Your presence. I long to be a vessel of service and honor for You. I want more of You. I yearn to be useful, even as I seek to overcome in every area of my life. I long to see Your answers to my requests. That’s why I choose You today—Your plan, Your holiness, and Your guidance. Reveal the areas in my life that are not surrendered to You, and give me balance as I walk with You. I humbly pray all these things in Jesus’ precious name, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.