Today’s Key Scripture

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

— Revelation 3:20

How many times do many believers ask, “Why doesn’t God answer my prayer?” or “Why can’t I receive my deliverance and my healing?”

The answer to our most urgent need is close, much closer than we can imagine. Just a word, spoken from our heart, can cause life’s darkest clouds suddenly to disappear. Christ Himself is standing at our heart’s door. He longs to fellowship with us.

Gordon Jensen’s classic worship song declares:


There is never any distance between my Lord and me—

He’s as close as the mention of His name.


He’s that close and approachable! It’s time to stop thinking that God is an unapproachable deity residing millions of miles away, or that He only hears our prayer at the moment of salvation.

The Father is so near that you can talk to Him at any moment, and His Spirit is so close that He can give you comfort, peace, and direction. All you have to do is ask and trust that He will act.

What I have found in the Spirit is not some mystery-shrouded secret. He is as real as life itself and as close as your very heartbeat. And you can find blessed fellowship as you spend time in His presence.


A Prayer for Today

Dear God, help me to know You. Open the eyes of my heart that I might see You as close as the mention of Your name. Help me to see You working in my life, all day and every day. I ask You for wisdom to make the best choices. Fill me with a burning desire to seek after You more than anything else in this world. Thank You for Your presence. Lead me on the path that I should go. I want You. I need You. I pray in Jesus’ name, the name above all names, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.