Today’s Key Scripture  

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.’”

— Psalm 91:1-2

As a child of God, you can go with trust and assurance to the Holy Spirit and say, “I don’t know what to pray, Holy Spirit. You are the Spirit of prayer. Help me pray.” And He will help you. As prayers like this flood your being, you’ll begin to cry out in repentance and thankfulness for the blood of Jesus that was shed for you.

As you spend time in His lovely presence, the Holy Spirit will lift your prayer as you pray it. When you sense that happening, keep praying that prayer until you feel it being lifted no more. Then wait before you move on to another prayer.

The Holy Spirit will show you what to pray. As you do this, your prayers become directed by the Holy Spirit, rich and pleasing to God. Whether you are claiming a promise from His Word or moved to believe for the salvation or healing of a loved one, welcome the Holy Spirit to pray through you.

He is the One who energizes your prayer with abundance, who becomes your Refuge and Fortress. But He can only do it if you give Him your vessel and trust Him with your future.


A Prayer for Today

Precious Lord, I want to worship only You. Take me deeper in my prayer life and into intimacy with You. Help me walk in Your light and holiness. You’ve promised in Psalm 89:15 that I will be blessed as I learn to praise You and walk in the light of Your presence. That’s exactly what I want today and throughout the rest of my life! Give me joy, peace, and fulfillment in Your presence, and I ask that You help me bring joy, peace, and hope into the lives of others as I serve You day by day. I ask this in Your name, Master Jesus, amen.



*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.