Today’s Key Scripture
“Power belongs to God.”
— Psalm 62:11
We are told in Scripture that before Jesus ascended to heaven, He declared, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8).
The Greek word used for power is dunamis, similar to English word for dynamite, only in the original meaning, it is a power that multiplies itself.
Think of it, when God’s Spirit is linked with our prayers, the seed begins to invade every aspect of our life and flow out to others. It is exciting to know that everything about God increases and everything about Satan decreases.
Prayer, for example, has the power to bring us to repentance. It is when our heart reaches out to God that our weaknesses are revealed. That’s the beginning of repentance, deliverance, and cleansing.
Praying and spending time in God’s presence serve as a mirror. We look to God, yet we see ourselves with every imperfection and fault. It is as if we experience this revelation of self that repentance becomes possible.
The dynamite power that comes from the Almighty gives victory over sin, sickness, and Satan. It enables us to live the Christian life. And we appropriate that power through communion every day with the Father.
A Prayer for Today
Father God, thank You for Your power! Thank You for loving me, even when I was unlovable and powerless. Thank You for providing me salvation through Your Son, even when I was hopelessly lost in sin. My heart is grateful to You for all that You have given to me. Please guide me on Your path of righteousness, according to Your will and Your glory. Help me to become more like Christ, bringing light and hope to a world too often filled with darkness and hopelessness. I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.
*All Scripture references are nkjv unless otherwise noted.
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