Today’s Key Scripture

“God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.”

— 1 Corinthians 2:10

After one of our crusade services, a distraught father begged, “Please, please pray for my daughter. She is dying.” When I saw her, my heart instantly went out to this precious little girl who had a tumor on her face.

“We’ve driven hundreds of miles, and I know that if you will just touch her she will be healed.”

I felt so helpless. How could I explain that I have no power to heal, and that only the Great Physician can perform miracles?

The desperation on the man’s face was so moving. How I longed to see his daughter healed. Several members of our staff were standing with me as I reached out to pray for her. As I prayed, we all began to weep.

Later that night, in my hotel room, I fell to my knees and cried out, “Lord, You know my heart. I want to be used by You more and more. Please bring me into a new dimension in prayer.”

I’ve remembered that prayer many times since then. Over the years we have seen multitudes of people healed by God’s power and many more who have received the greatest miracle of all—salvation.

Yet there is so much more to be done!


A Prayer for Today

Almighty Father, I want to be used by You more and more. Please bring me into a new dimension in prayer and fellowship with You. Help me to better understand prayer and dwelling in Your presence. I want to be able to pray in times of adversity, in times of prosperity, in times of danger, and in times of security. I want to be nourished of You in every way, every day. And I want to live fully every day in Your power. I pray this in the name above all names, Jesus, amen.


*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.