Today’s Key Scripture
“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so, send I you.”
— John 20:21, KJV
During the entire month of December, the focus has been on drawing closer to Almighty God, which is the overall message of these Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Daily Devotionals.
One of the best examples of what we must do as believers happened after the Resurrection. While talking with His disciples, Jesus gave them (and every believer) a job to do—He sent them forth to follow His example.
We are in a battle for souls. Battles with the enemy require a powerful, fresh anointing. The anointing is always given for service and for spiritual warfare to be used for God’s glory.
The risen Christ has anointed you to go and spread the message of His love—His saving, healing, and delivering power. As with every believer, it is your responsibility to share with the lost and hurting what God has done in your life, for Jesus said:
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)
As you go forth into the New Year, follow His example in prayer, word, and deed. That is my prayer for you today.
A Prayer for Today
Righteous God, on this New Year’s Eve, I want to be used more than ever in 2023 in Your service to reach others. Keep me holy and true, even as You are holy and true. I ask for Your protection, strength, and wisdom to know how to reach the lost and needy all around me. I ask for Your will to be done in my life. I thank You for every door that You are opening, just as I ask for understanding at any doors that You close supernaturally. I surrender myself to You, even as I desire to become closer and more intimate with You every day. I pray all these things in the name above all names, amen.
*All Scripture references are NKJV unless otherwise noted.
Header: Coming in January 2023
Can you imagine the victory that is coming to those who spend time in God’s presence?
Look at your hands. One day they will be an extension of God. Full power and anointing will flow out of your hands. The oppressed will be delivered. The sick will recover.
When the promised fullness comes, you will see the body of Christ demonstrate incredible boldness. So great will be the power of God on you that angels will come to fight your enemies. Herod tried to destroy Peter. But who killed Herod? The Bible says, “An angel of the Lord struck him” (Acts 12:23).
January’s Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Daily Devotional will place the spotlight squarely on the power and unlimited potential of those who learn how to walk with God every day.
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